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The blood line of Uchiha family was such that one person in every generation was born with a strange physical constitution.

This physical constitution made the person be hyper aware of any type of physical contact with other humans.

It wasn't something that Uchiha Fugoku had experienced first hand in his generation, only something he'd heard about from his parents. But now, it was passed down to his younger son, Uchiha Sasuke.

That little new born refused to stop crying if at all held by anyone. A clear sign of that hereditary constitution passed down in the Uchiha family.

It was troubling to say the least. There have been people in his family with this constitution before, but most of them have failed to find someone they feel comfortable with and ended up alone until the bitter end.

They were worried to say the least but decided to silently watch over their beloved younger son, believing that one day he would definitely find someone who makes him feel at ease to be with.

Fugoku and his wife, Mikoto, had the hardest time when their younger son was still a newborn but they were determined to be there for their son at all costs.

Uchiha Itachi was only 5 when his little brother was born but he understood right away that he needed special care and attention. Attention that didn't involve any physical contact unless absolutely necessary.

It became a norm in the Uchiha household to never show any sort of physical affection, in consideration for their youngest who had inherited that constitution.

They noticed him slowly giving up on even trying to interact with anyone outside of his family, completely closing himself off from the rest of the world.

All they could do was helplessly watch over the youngest in their family, doing everything to make him feel at ease with only their words at the very least.

Even though they were connected by blood, they too failed to even give him a comforting hug without making the poor boy feel only discomfort after all.

By the time he entered highschool, all they ever hoped for was that he would find someone to be with, someone who would make him feel at ease, someone capable of holding him without making him feel any sort of repulsion.

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