The Boys meet my family

Começar do início

"oh yes I am!" Jungkook said very excited while dad laughs at his eagerness

I smiled and moved away hearing them coming out, I went back kitchen to mom

"so mom when is your flight?" I asked as I entered helping her dry the dishes 

"We have to leave to airport 9 pm our flight is at 10:20" mom replied washing the dishes as me and Lisa dried them

"aaa~" Lisa exclaimed "have you packed yet?" Lisa asked looking at mom as she looked at both of us as she just finished a plate and put it away 

"yep" mom answered "speaking of that Victoria could you go ask your father and the boys to go get the suitcase? Where is your suitcase?" mom asked 

"It's still on the landing I just brought my hand bag down nothing else" I answered looking at mom "and what about You Lisa?" I asked turning to my left to see her 

"just need to do some final packing" she answered wiping a bowl as she looked at me for a few seconds and the back down

"hmm now go to tell the boys" Mom said focusing on what she was doing 

"ok" with that I put the towel I was drying the dishes with and went out to the living room and saw dad and the boys laughing while Jimin fell of the chair with laughter and Jungkook went to help him but ended up falling on top of Jimin typical..... dumb and dumber 

I laughed as I said walking in the room and all eyes turn to me 

"anyway" I said sobering down "mom said you all have to get the suitcases down" I said with my thumb indicating behind me, smiling

"us too?" Jimin said, now he's standing dusting himself 

"yep" I said giving him a teasing smile 

"oh good, ok boys go get the suitcases" dad said siting back on the couch putting his hands behind his head closing his eyes

"really" I said with a raised eyebrow my hands folded on your chest

"ok ok I'll help" dad said getting up and following the boy outside while the boys tried their best to hide their laughter 

I smiled and went to the book cabinet and picked the book I were gonna read after you finish the one I was currently reading I love reading so please don't mind me, I went to my bag and put it next to it so I wont forget it. I checked if I had forgotten anything 

" Airpods? Check"  

"Books? Check" 

"Cloths? Check" 

"A nice dress for an occasion? Check"

"Swim suit? Check"

"Toiletries? Check"

"Tablet? Check"

"Chargers? Check"

"Laptop? Check"

"Jewelries? Check" 

"Diary? Check"

"Electra's things? Check"   

"My beautiful Speaker? Check"

"Ok I guess that's everything" something is missing...? nah- "no wait where's my drawing book?" I ran upstairs past dad and the boys

"hmm that's everything and my drawing pens and all my drawing things"I said looking down at my drawing things "oh WAIT MY CANDIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I said shouting and running back upstairs past all the confused looks I came back down holding my Halloween candy pumpkin the boys stared at me with raised eyebrows but Jungkook happily helped me with shining eyes while dad looked at the scene with a look saying "nothing new".

"anyway we'll get the car, Yoongi you and Taehyung go" Seokjin said after getting a suitcase down 

"why me" Yoongi protested

"because your a hyung" said Seokjin giving him a slight glare while me and Jungkook just stood there like little children watching the grown up fight if only we had some popcorn and some drinks

"I'm not a hyung I don't need to go" Taehyung said crossing his arms behind his neck and turning and walking away

"but didn't you say you were the strongest?" Seokjin asked 

"I am" Taehyung answered turning back to Seokjin with his hands still the way they are and a black expression

"well then help carry the suitcase instead and I'll go get the car with Yoongi" Seokjin said a slight smirk as he walked away 

"what are the rest of us supposed to do?" Jimin said as he watched Seokjin walking away

"I'll give you the most important job" Seokjin said turning back to him 

"that is?" Jimin asked 

"stand there and don't move" Seokjin said and then turned and started walking again "it's pretty easy job if you ask me" Seokjin said smirking as he walked away

"woah that is easy" said Jimin still not realizing what Seokjin had just said "WAIT WHAT!?!?!" Jimin almost shook the house as he screamed. Me and Jungkook covered our ears at once as we flinched while everyone started laughing

Jimin be like:-

Jimin be like:-

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A/n: 🤣🤣🤣 

this chapter is 1415 words! I know I know thank me later but my goal is to make the chapters at least 3000+ words long.....I'll get to that one day

anyway that's for today see ya next time and btw please comment some idea it will really help

The 7 Boys *On Hold*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora