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Moon has decided to be my very own memory bank

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Moon has decided to be my very own memory bank.

I'm pretty sure my parents have something to do with this. Or maybe Emilia. Mom wasn't wrong when she said that Emilia had been fussing over me for a long time, for the last ten days she's been nothing but a pain in my ass by constantly hovering over me. I felt bad trying to distance myself from her so I let her do her thing, she had taken over a week off at her job to take care of me.

But the constant attention was claustrophobic. As much as I love my family, I am glad I am doing this on my own now. They left yesterday, and since then it seems I have more freedom to choose what I want to explore about my past life.

But Moon is making that very hard with her constant presence. She's like Emilia 2.0. Minus the good choices, Moon is all about the bad choices.

"There's a frat party tonight, I think we should go."

Like I said, she's the wilder version of Emilia 2.0. She looks at me expectantly, as if I should be jumping at the prospect of a party. My doctor gave me clear instructions to stay away from sensory overload, going to a party I'm sure would be anything but.

"I was in the hospital last week, drugged up and now you want me to go to a frat party?" I asked, quirking an eyebrow.

She shrugged and gave me a 'duh' look. "Umm...firstly, that is ancient news babe and secondly, of course I want to go partying! It's Friday fucking night!"

I sighed, too tired to have any sort of an argument with her right now. My brain feels a little fuzzy, which could be because of the meds or the extremely vivid dream I had of me walking hand-in-hand with Noah fucking Yang. We were both on the sidewalk and he said something about Mexican food sounding like dance styles that made me crack up.

"-blue dress with white scrappy heels, and maybe that new fur coat I just got. Uh, hello? Yinah? Are you even listening to me?"

Moon's incredulous expression was in my space and I snapped out of my reverie.

Right. The party, that is a big fucking no.

"I was not listening actually, because clearly we both have been spending too much time with each other and need a break...so, I suggest you go party and I sit this one out so that I can take you out for brunch tomorrow when you're shitfaced in the morning."  I smiled and snuggled further into my huge pillows. They smelled incredible, like sandalwood and cinnamon. What even is that smell?

Moon frowned, squatting down in front of me. "Are you trying to get rid of me?"

I snickered and bopped her nose, "A hundred percent yes to the question."

She made a face and stuck her tongue out at me, before going back to ruining my spotless floor with her mess of clothes.

"Fine. You're given a pass out, but I can't leave you alone so I'm gonna have to call Noah to watch over you."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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