Episode 4: Journey to the Rainbow

Start from the beginning

"You sure you're allowed to do that?" I asked, worried. "Pretty sure this isn't private property."

"Well, considering this is a business affair," Lucky replied, "I'm sure we'll get a pass."

"Oh. This is for Miss Lamella?"

"Obviously," Penny chided. "You think we just go to dragons on a whim?"

. . .


"Would you blame her?" Hangry asked. "We have a talking suit of armor, for Pete's sake! Anything's possible! Real nice guy, by the way."

Penny rolled her eyes.

"Thank you, Hangry," I said. "If I had a spare rib, I'd give it to you."

The pig licked his lips.

Probably shouldn't have said that.

Thankfully, before I could become a potential snack, my boyfriend finished the preparations.

"All right," he called to us, "let's get going."

We obeyed, joining him in the center of his art, its resemblance uncanny to a transmutation circle.

"Everyone ready?" Lucky asked.

"I think?" I answered.

"I'll take that as a yes."

He clapped his hands together, triggering a powerful glow to flourish in the circle.

My panic squirmed its way in.

"Wait, what do we do? Is it like the other portals? How do we—"


As simple as blinking.

Before I could utter another syllable, the four of us warped away from the park grounds, resurfacing in a realm which had me shielding my eyes from the intense light. But only for a moment, before my sights recovered, allowing me to gape in awe at our new surroundings.

We now stood amidst a vast valley, the grass fresh and crisp as beautiful flowers of vibrant shades swayed with glee. From either side rose gargantuan curves, leading out to what I could only assume was more of the same. As for the front, a distance greater than a galaxy stretched, the edge taunting us with the faintest outline of a stone mountain.

"Whoa . . ." I uttered, captivated by the scenery. Nothing about it reminded me of a demon dimension; if anything, I found myself reminiscing about those fantasy lands I admired as a child.

The others, meanwhile, treated the space as business as usual and were already strolling forward.

"Come on," Lucky said. "If we start now, we should be able to make it before the next sunrise."

Oh, right, the sun—that magnificent beacon of light and warmth, glistening high in the baby-blue sky as its rays embraced me like a gentle mother.

"Wasn't it just . . . ?"

I decided to catch up to the others before I became a statistic in this new wonderland.

"You put the candles in here, right, Hangry?" L asked.

"Right-o!" Hangry assured. "Triple checked while you were in that candy shop!"

"If you mention the candy shop one more time . . ."

"You were at a candy store?" I asked. "Why?"

"Because I have a sweet tooth!" my boyfriend roared. "Is that such a crime!?"

My Bunny Boyfriend Can't Possibly Be This Cute! (Lucky x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now