After Graduation Celebration part 2

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Alex: heh, That rhymed.

*Eventually everyone's orders were served*

Waiter: here are all of your orders! Do any of you have anything else you would like for us to help you with?

Julie: ooh this all looks really good. No I think we are good..*pauses for a moment* actually if Hector isn't too busy right now.. do you think maybe you can call him over here?

Edgar:, we don't want to do that.. after all Hector is a famous chef. He probably has alot to-

*Edgar gets interrupted by Hector walking by while holding some champagne glasses*

Hector: hey guys! *Comes over to their table*

Maxwell: *looks at Hector* ayy! What's up bro?! How's the restaurant been doing for ya..

Hector: oh it's been very packed! Let me tell you, this place is more popular than ever. I don't know why but for the past week we've gotten so many people coming here! It's crazy!

Maxwell: well I mean that's what happens when you are running a famous 6 star restaurant.

Julie: it's good that we see you working so hard. You do so well at what you do.

Hector: hehe, oh stop it mom, you're gonna make me blush. Anyways I thought I'd bring you two some champagne.

Julie: oh that's really sweet of you Hector.. but it's okay we don't need any alcohol right now.

Edgar: oh come on Julie, Live alittle, this is a celebration after all!

Hector: oh yeah! I forgot! We have some high school graduates up in here! Congrats you guys! Oh also I'm very proud of all of you. you all were the best students of my cooking class, and I mean it when I say that.

Maxwell: you did teach us well bro!

*Hector poors the champagne into Edgar and Julie's wine glasses*

Hector: well of course you all will get a discount after all of you are done with your meals Seeing as you are my family. Anyways I better get going back into the kitchen.. the other chefs need me. *Leaves*

*About 2 to 3 hours later*

*Everyone had Finnished with their meals*

*Hector comes back*

Hector: hey guys! How was everything?

Maxwell: it was, amazing! as always.

Edgar: yeah you really out done yourself son.

Hector: well I mean it wasn't just me making all the food but I appreciate the compliment. Before I bring you guys the receipt, do any of you want to order a desert to go? Oh and don't worry about prices, this one's on the house.

Julie: oh honey, you don't have to do that.

Hector: oh, I insist! How about I make my famous,
rêve de chocolat ice cream cake?

Blake: what's that?

Kaitlyn: rêve de chocolat, means "chocolate dream"

Maxwell: dude! It's only the best thing ever! it's an ice cream cake with all the chocolate that you could imagine! We don't get to have it very often though. Mainly because the amount of sugar thats in that thing could put you in a coma! That is, if you eat the whole thing by yourself. Hector usually makes the cake really big. And we only get to have this type of cake during celebrations like this one.

Lily: true that!

Blake: wow! that sounds like the best ice cream cake ever!

Maxwell: no man, not even close. Oreo ice cream cake is the best ice cream cake ever. The cake We are talking about is just a straight up combination of brain freeze and diabetes on a plate!

Lily: then it's settled! we are getting the cake to go!

Hector: I knew you guys would. I will go ahead and get started on that for you and then I will package it up for you! *Leaves to prepare the "rêve de chocolat" ice cream cake*

Lily: Thank you Hector!

Alex: wait.. how are we going to carry it home?

Maxwell: I'll probably figure out a way.

*Moments later, the cake was brought out in a crate*

Hector: here you guys go! Make sure you put it right in the freezer when you get home okay?

Julie: we will!

Alex: holy crap! That's a big cake!

Violet: well of course it is. It would have to be this big so that everyone else can have some!

Maxwell: normally I'd say we should just keep it all to ourselves but.. I don't wanna go to the ER..

Lily: good point..

Hector: oh here's the receipt by the Way *put the receipt down on the table* and congrats again! *Leaves*

Edgar: thank you!

Alex: now.. about how we are going to carry this thing.

Maxwell: no problem. *Grabs his notebook and make the crate small enough to fit in a trunk* there.. I made it small for alittle bit. And when we bring it inside I will bring it back to it's regular size. Mom? Dad? I suggest you put it in the trunk of your car.

Edgar: that's fine with me! Oh and one more thing.

Maxwell: yeah dad? *He said as he grabbed the bag (with the ring) and is about to pull out his Tesla card*

Dad: remind me to not give any to shadow.

Maxwell: got it!

Julie: *signs the receipt and leaves a tip before grabbing everything and getting ready to head home*

Edgar: *grabs the crate with the cake in it*

*Everyone gathers their stuff and head back to their cars*

*They all soon begin to drive off*

*Meanwhile with Maxwell, lily and Kaitlyn*

Lily: now can you tell me why you have that bag?

Maxwell: *turns to lily and whispers* no. Not yet.. I wanna tell you privately.. I'll tell you when we get home.

Lily: *whispers back* why are we whispering?

*She then looks at the bag, and then at Kaitlyn, and then right back to Maxwell with a surprised look on her face*

Lily; *in mind* Omg! He's gonna propose?!?!?!

Maxwell: *covers lily's mouth as he indicated that she was gonna say something out loud* don't even think about it! I said wait until we get home!

Lily: ugh fine...

*They soon got to Kaitlyn's house to drop her off*

Maxwell: hey.. do you think you'll be okay?

Kaitlyn: I think I'll be fine.

Maxwell: alright. I'll text you later.

*Opens the window to give Kaitlyn a kiss, then rolls it back up as Kaitlyn walks to her house*

*Then the car drives off again, and then soon enough, they finally made it home*

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