2nd January 2022

232 15 2

"H - Harry?" Louis stuttered, staring at Harry and his signature smirk.

He got up slowly and walked over to his figure, not sure if he was dreaming, hallucinating. 

Harry was dead.

He walked over and stood right infront of Harry, his smirk not fading, his green eyes following each of Louis' movements.

Louis took finger to Harry's cheeks caressing it softly, he gasped as his finger touched his lovers soft, warm skin. He delicately traced over Harry's parted lips as he other hand went into Harry's locks. He moved up to brush the hairs of his eyebrows and he moved his finger to harry's eyes, who was quick to close them as Louis traced his eyelid.

"Lou -"


His small hand whacked the curly haired boy straight in the cheek as hard as he could, Harry's face flying to the side.

"THIS ISN'T REAL!" Louis started screaming, and punching Harry's toned chest.

He was sobbing loudly and just kept punching. 


"I GO TO YOUR GRAVE!" Louis screamed and sobbed.


Louis was still punching but they soon turned into air as his wrists were held in place but two stronger hands. Louis felt too weak and tired to fight back, his punches getting weaker and sobs getting quieter.

"Shhh baby." He heard gentle voice whisper.

"LOUIS! ARE YOU OKAY!?" Liam shouted as he, Niall and Zayn came crashing through the door, all in their Pjs. Louis turned around and saw three not so shocked boys.

Harry was alive?!

"Lou. Hi." Liam smiled and walked closer. Louis hated this, there was something no one was telling him.

"What the fuck its going on!" Louis shouted, tearing way from Harry and backing away from all the men, who just smiled with sympathy.

Liam and Harry smiled at each other and Louis's eyes were flashing hurt, they knew. 

They knew.

Of course they all fucking new.

Harry had been alive, this entire time.

"How. Dare. you!" Louis pounced onto Liam, smacking his chest hard, more tears rolling down his tired cheeks.

"You knew! You bastard you knew." Louis cried and all the boys watched, not knowing what to do.

He suddenly stepped back to admire all the men, guilty looks on their faces. He scoffed, they feel bad now? Liam, Zayn and Niall all fucking knew Harry was alive, while Louis would cry himself asleep, visit Harry's grave for TWO YEARS. They all knew and said nothing.

And finally he looked at Harry, emotionless expression on his pretty face. He looked different but the same from two years ago. His hair was slightly longer, his curls being more define. His skin was still clear, no wrinkles or grey hair to be seen. His green eyes, darker but even more prominent. God, this man was absolutely  perfect. He had tight black suit trousers and black button down, open up slightly so you could view his butterfly and swallows, and his cross necklace contrasting his pale skin. 

Louis could stare at  Harry for hours, he is so confused, hurt and happy all at once, he completely zoned out, not even hearing Liam or Zayn calling out his name.

"Louis?" Liam's sweet voice called out to him, and thats the last thing Louis heard before he collapsed on the floor.


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