"I'll sleep with You if it'd make You feel better."
Clove quickly lets go of My arm and clasps Her hand over Her mouth,Attempting to cover up Her laughter..
"Perhaps You should think about rephrasing that sentence.."
She bearly manages to get out,It's only then that I realise what I'd just said.
"Alright then,Forget My offer."
She whispers in My ear..I feel a shiver run up My spine as She does so.

Without thinking twice about it I shove Her away from Me and back into the bark of the tree.
"What?You offer to sleep with Me but I can't even whisper to You..That doesn't seem very fair now does it?"
"Ok..you're definitely tired-"
"Oh really?How can You tell?"
She asks,adjusting Herself into a sitting position
"You always act this way when you're tired."
"I always act what way when I'm tired?"
Clove asked looking at Me both defensibly and impatiently,Crossing Her arms while doing so.

I smirk at Her,Giving Her a simple shrug as She scowls back at Me in return.
"I do not,You just..tolerate Me less at night."
"And why do You think that is..?"
"..You've tricked Me again haven't You?"
"I'm afriad so.."
"Of course You have..You always do."
"I suppose there's some truth behind that statement."
"Of course there is..Have You forgotten that I'm the one making it?"
"You sure do say Of course alot don't You?"
"Of course I-..Oh"
She laughs while pulling Her sleeves further down Her arms.

"It's getting abit cold outside,Are You sure that You don't want to come back inside?"
"I'm Positive..Don't feel the need to wait for Me though,I'll be back down out to join You soon enough."
"I'm not leaving You alone in a tree at the middle of the night..What type of friend would I be if I did things like that?"
"Not a very good one..Quite obviously."
She smirks while elbowing Me.

"So..What should We call it?The tree I mean-"
"What about..The hanging tree."
Mimicking being choked.
"The hanging tree?God Clove must You be so depressing?"
"What about just" The tree"?"
"I mean it's abit boring but I suppose it'll do-"
She says while swinging Her legs.

"Can I ask You a question?"
She asks suddenly.
"Go right ahead,Ask away."
"Only If you pinky promise that You'll answer honestly."
"Pinky Promise?What's the difference between the two?"
"A pinky promise is unbreakable..God Cato You should know this stuff by now."
"In that case pinky promises are stupid,A promise is always breakable..You out of all people should know that."
"You're stupid!Pinky promises are anything but stupid,But anyways..that's besides the point..Are You going to promise that You'll answer honestly?"
"Yes,I promise-"

"Are You..Scared?"
"Scared of?"
I question,Already having the feeling that She's referencing to the games.
"Scared of dying..in the games,Scared of never getting to see Your family again,Scared of dying in pain..Just scared of going into the games in general?"
"Not necessarily..Atleast We get to say We tried..Right?"
I know I shouldn't lie to Clove,Especially not about this but I can't help Myself,I need to act strong,For the both of Us.
"We don't get to say anything if We're dead.."

"We'll be fine,Don't You trust Me?"
I ask,Putting My arm around Her shoulder.
"I do,I mean..I want to but this isn't the first time You'd have been wrong about something..And it isn't about to be the last I dont think.."
I have to put my face right next to Hers to be able to hear what She's saying.
"Clove..Seriously We've got this,You and Me we've got an advantage against the other tributes and You wanna know what that advantage is?"
"Let's hear it-"
She says with Her hands on Her hips.

"We're perfect for eachother."
"God Cato You're such a weirdo-"
She groans while pushing My arm off of Her.
"..And so are You,See..perfect for eachother."
"You wish that was true.."
She mutters under Her breath.
"Hm..Maybe You're right,Maybe I do."
I smirk back at Her.
"Oh no,I know You do..Trust Me..You make that quite obvious."
She says as She rolls Her eyes.

"You know..I probably don't tell You this enough but I'm really glad I met You."
She murmurs,Fixing Her gaze back to Me.
"I'm glad I met You too,Sorry for being so bitchy at first though."
I reply regretfully.
"Oh no..It's fine,Really..I was a total ass to You too at first."
She laughs.
"At first?.."
I tease Her.
"Don't push it."
She warns with a glare as She stabs Her knife into the branch of the tree.
"Don't worry,I'm just messing with You Freckles,Also..I wasn't planning on it-"
"Freckles?I think that that's possibly the worst one You've came up with yet."
"You asked for creative so I gave You it."
"Creative isn't exactly the first word I'd use to describe it.."
"Ok then,Creativer."
"That's not even a proper word..Now You're just making things up."
She groans,Looking very unimpressed.
"Oh am I now?"
"Yes,Thats what I just said.."
"Maybe that's Our sign to go to sleep."
"Our?You mean Your..Right?"

Clover's POV:

"Nope..Unfortunately for You,I mean Our."
"Oh well of course You do."
I hiss back in a mocking tone.
"Yes,Of course I do..Now come on,Try and get some rest..You'll need it for tommorrow."
He tries convicing Me..
"I would..But on a tree?Seriously?..What do You think I am?A Squirrel?"
"..I'd have thought You'd like it more then my bed..What did You call it again?"
He questions while raising an eyebrow.
"Come on now,You know I didn't mean all of that..Your room is just a little..Less well kept then mine."
"You're such a Princess Clove."
He scoffed.

"Excuse Me for liking to keep things neat and tidy..Now if You expect Me to sleep up in this miserable tree You better scooch over because I don't exactly plan on freezing to death..Especially not tonight..I wouldn't be very much use then would I?"
"I suppose not.."
He mutters with an exaggered sigh before finally giving in and moving over.
"That's what I thought."
I smirk back at Him defiantly before leaning back down next to Him.

I turn My head to face Him and our eyes meet,He smiles at Me and I can't help but smile back at Him as He wraps His arms around Me protectively..
Our faces are only about an inch or two away from eachother at this point and as stupid as it sounds..I wouldn't mind keeping it that way.
But of course I couldn't let Him know that.

He asks suddenly,Looking slightly more serious then before.
I answer back hesitently..
"The truth is..I'm not scared of dying in the games,Or even scared of dying in pain for that matter..But what I am scared of is losing You,You have to promise Me that with..Or without Me,You'll win."
I begin before trailing off..
I reply in defeat..But what Cato doesn't know is that I'm going to do everything in My power to make sure that if there's only one winner,It's going to be Him.

..A promise is always breakable,Right?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2022 ⏰

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