1st January 2022

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No ones POV

It's been over two years, since Louis last saw his Harry. Was Louis over Harry? No.

He slept in the same bed.

In the same house they were meant to grow old together in.

He stills wears Harry's jumpers. 

Everyone is worried about Louis. But he couldn't care less. His Harry promised never to leave him. That they would be together forever. That nothing could tear them apart. Louis knew Harry's work was dangerous. He knew Harry was under consist watch. But it never occurred to him that death would be the reason he and his Harry would no longer look each other in the eyes anymore.

Louis has nightmares. 

Nightmares so frightening it even scared, Harry's right hand men. He would wake up screaming, sweat drenched his body, a burning feeling in his heart. The nightmares are all the same. One moment he's looking into Harry's green eyes he misses so much, he goes to reach out to his Harry but he can't, its like Harry wasn't never there, they both start falling and Harry is slowly disappearing infront of Louis. And thats when he wakes up.

"Louis! You up there bud?" Liam, knocked on Louis' bedroom door, slowly opening it and seeing Louis curled up on the bed.

"Hey Li." Louis said tiredly.

"Dinner's ready!" Liam smiled. Liam didn't live with Louis but sometimes him and the boys would come over to try and cheer Louis up, they couldn't believe Harry was dead, even after all these years.

"Okay." Louis smiled and got up, walking down the stairs, greeted by Niall and Zayn.

"We made pizza!" Niall laughed and Zayn rolled his eyes.

"We tried." Zayn smiled sheepishly.

Louis nodded and sat down as he was served a burnt piece of cheese pizza. He appreciated the effort of his friends.

After Harry's death, Liam took over as Don, Niall and Zayn still his right hand men. Louis however stayed as far away as he could. Harry never liked him being involved and he wanted to keep it that

"So Lou. What you doing tonight?" Liam asked, taking a bite out of his pizza.

"I think I'm going to  go visit Harry again." Louis smiled down at his plate, he would always visit Harry exactly on Midnight. 

Because thats when Harry's proposed. 

When the clock struct 12.

All the boys looked at each other, sad expressions knowing the boy was gonna go to Harry's grave like he always did.

"Want one of us to go with you?" Zayn asked and Louis shook his head, playing with his ring on his left hand.


"Call us if you need us Lou." Liam reminded the 21 year old boy as he quickly slid his vans on and was out the door. Harry was buried in a random park, because no where would let Louis bury him in a graveyard or someplace people walk. So he was buried in a random wooded lot of a park. 

Louis was quick to where Harry's was buried, picking some random daisies and lying over his lover's face above all the grass, dirt and his wooden coffin.

"Hi Haz." Louis sniffed.

"I miss you a lot." He started.

"Look I picked some daises out for you!" He smiled to himself. 

"I'm imaging you smiling right now, saying something like "'Thanks you darling I love them!'" Louis mimicked Harry's voice.

"Our date is this year, Haz." Louis voice went cold again.

"I still have your ring."

"I'm thinking about corpse brideing this shit, what do you say

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"I'm thinking about corpse brideing this shit, what do you say." Louis laughed, twiddling the ring on his finger.

"I'll come here on the 28th Harry, I will. Thats when I'll place this ring here, to know I can never love anyone but you." He cried, a few tears falling down is rosy cheeks, slightly red from the cold.

"You weren't the bad person everyone made you out to be. They never saw my Harry. The Harry who would stop everything even if I just sneezed." He laughed.

"The Harry who cuddled me whenever I was feeling sad or mad or clingy. The Harry who always took time out his day to compliment my outfit, The Harry who could read my mind, The Harry who would kiss my injuries, the Harry who hated eating his vegetables, The Harry who cries at rom coms, the Harry who I was gonna marry." Louis sobbed, the clouds overcrowding the night sky, covering the full moon as the stars shone down on Louis. 

Louis sobbed into the night.


Liam : Louis you okay?

Louis : Heading back now :)

Lous sent the text to Liam as he made his way back to his house, it was 12:08 Midnight, the time Louis left Harry, pitch black was all Louis could see. He didn't even bother with a torch, if he was killed at least he would be with Harry again.

"Hey guys." Louis smiled sadly as he saw all the boys look over from the sofa, each growing sad seeing the the tear tracks on is cheeks.

"I'm going to head to bed." Louis smiled weakly, they all nodded and he made his way into the bedroom, caught off guard by the opened window, his curtains flapping in the cold night. Frowning he closed the window and quickly got changed into some silky pyjama shorts and one of Harry's jumpers. 

He brushed his teeth and hopped into bed, pulling the duvet close to him as he held the picture of him and Harry close in his arms, falling asleep almost immediately.

Harry was merely a Midnight Memory.


The next Morning

Louis woke up to the sun shining through his curtains, he creased his eyebrows, he closed his drapes last night? He assumed its one of the boys that stayed over, open it for him to he just forgot to close them. His eyes fluttering open to the bright light and adjusting to the brightnesses of the room.

He sat up slightly to try and make sense of the room, the lights weren't on so it was still dark except the tiny bit of light that shone through the window. 

Louis looked over and thats when he saw from the corner of his eye, sitting in the large black leather chair, he dared not to even touch, was the man himself.

Except not six feet under.

"Hello my darling."



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