Chapter- 8

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Sorry I did not update for like a week? I don't remember honestly. I've been so caught up with my exams and other problems that I didn't even get the time to finish writing a chapter. I'm really sorry but yeah.

"So Felix and I, I.N and Changbin, Hyunjin and Lee Know, Han and Seungmin…" Chan read the script loudly, letting everyone know who their partner was. 

The boys had yet another schedule. Today they were filming 2 kids' talk. (I just made that up) So, what they were gonna do was, they would have a partner and they would be given 2 topics -for example, 'Pets' & 'childhood'-  and talk about each topic for max 20 mins each.

Seungmin and Jisung had not talked to each other for quite a while because of the incident. Seungmin tried his best to avoid the minsung 'couple' and was doing quite well at it. But today, it seemed he had run out of luck.

"Okay Seungmin, Han your up next!" The producer announced. Sighing, the pup-like boy went up to the set. There was a big couch and in front of them was some fruits on a plate placed on a table with some simple decorations on the sides.

"1, 2, 3 and action!" The producer shouted. They were both seated on the couch with an understandable amount of space between them. Their first topic was 'parks'. The two laughed as they shared their memories of going to parks. It was all fun and cheery until the second topic came. Which was 'cakes', 

Seungmin was reminded of a certain person and how the person used to buy cakes for him.

"I remember that time, I bought a cake…" Seungmin started, avoiding the others' eyes and his own emotions. "It had been out of the menu for a long long time and after waiting for months. It was finally back." He sighed as he continued, "I happily bought it and took it home. I remember carefully putting it in the fridge, not wanting to damage or destroy it accidentally and took a quick shower afterwards. But when I came back, it was gone…it was as if it was never there"
"And it turns out that it was you who took it." He chuckled. "I loved it yet you…"

"I can explain," Jisung stated, determined to give and explanation this time. "You didn't even let me explain it then,"

To their lovely fans, it looked as if they were just talking about a piece of cake and nothing much. But in reality, it was so much more. Seungmin held his tears not wanting to let his emotions get the best of him. There was a damn camera in front of him. 'Kim Seungmin control yourself!'.

He did not want to talk about it, especially not in front of the camera. But he knew he could not not talk to the squirrel boy forever. So maybe, this was the best time to deal with it. (In Front of the camera yeah)

"So...That day, I was really stressed. I was feeling down and was thinking about all kinds of things. I was so stressed I didn't eat anything that day. Not a single thing went in my mouth except water. I didn't even drink coffee!" Jisung exclaimed, to make it seem as if that actually happened while the other boy listened attentively. 

"So, when I came home all gloomy, I opened the fridge and when I was greeted with this delicious looking cake, it reminded me of the time I used to bring home cheesecake. It was just so tempting and I couldn't help it." he confessed, "It was completely my fault...I'm sorry Seungmin-ah, I'll buy you lots of cake in the future yeah? Please forgive me," Jisung apologized, acting cute. It looked like he was just joking but he secretly meant it. And he knew the other knew it too. He just couldn't be all serious, it would have looked way too suspicious. 

"You know it's not that you ate my cake that made me upset. It's that, you knew exactly who it belonged to and how much I've longed for it yet you just took it away from me that made me upset," The squirrel boy looked down in guilt. He did not mean that to happen at all. "I'm sorry Seung...I didn't mean it," he said, playing with the strings of his hoodie. 

"It's fine. The past is in the past right? It's all good. Maybe the cake was just not meant for me…its fine,"

"So we good Seungminnie?," The other looked at him with hopeful eyes. Seungmin was upset but he did love the other too. To forgive means to forget and that's what he was trying to do for the past few months. So, he decided to take the first step and forgive Jisung. It wasn't entirely his fault anyway right?

"Of course. But you have to buy me a cake after this" He joked while the other laughed. After a few minutes, their time was finally up. 

After their shooting, the pup stood up and was about to go home when someone called his name. 

"Seungmin, wait!" It was Jisung. "We need to talk," He stated.

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