Louis ?

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Snow day Tomorrow!! Yah I'll be able to write more! This chapter is awesome! Be ready for surprises! Hope y'all like it.


I feel a mouth on mine. A warm mouth. Blowing air into mine. "Please be okay." I hear a pleading voice whisper into my ear. Hot breath trickles down my neck. I feel a tingle go through my body and I feel myself being lifted up again.

I try to open my mouth, but it's impossible my lips are heavy and I can't seem to feel them. My eyelids flutter open. I see a guy leaned over me. His dripping hair matted to his face and his eyes red... From crying? A stranger crying over me? It's not even like I died or anything.

I open my mouth slightly and a squeak manages to pass through my lips. A smile immediately lights up his face. His face.... I've seen it before. Those eyes, the smile. Louis? His face has changed, his smile has laugh lines, his eyes are older. His hair is longer and he is much more muscular. If that's even him. "L...lou...louis?" I hear a small voice say. I try again "Louis?" I manage to sound more like myself.

"Katie!!!!" He cries and takes my hand yanking me into a sitting position. I feel water come out of my throat and I go into a coughing fit. Louis quickly gets up, he gets my a glass of water and pats my back until I quiet down a bit. "You okay?" He asks worriedly handing me the glass.

"Yeah, I..I think I've had enough water." The farther into my sentence the squeakier my voice gets. He laughs and pats my back again.

I look around the beach, I don't recognize it and my parents are nowhere in sight. "Where am I?" I ask shaking my head. I hate this fuzzy feeling, like nothing's clear.

"We're on the beach dumby." Louis grins at me. His face falls when he sees I'm serious. "Oh god, your serious. Maybe you hit your head. Not enough air.... To much water." He mumbles his thoughts out loud. "Harry! Come here!" Louis calls out worriedly.

I see a figure jog over to us and stop when he's sees me. Oh lord, my hand automatically flies up to my hair it's a rats nest. Literally. I try to comb out my sand hair, but it's no use. "Lou I'm fine really I just don't see my parents around." I say to him, scanning the beach, looking for them.

"Who are you?" Harry asks. Not using the most polite voice I've heard. He looks me over then catches my eye.

"I'm Katie." I say holding out a sandy hand, then thank other wise as I start to tilt. I rebalance myself and smile.

"Harry Katie, Katie Harry." Louis says quickly looking around as if to find something.

"What's your hotel called?" Louis asks fumbling with his phone.

"Boy you sure have gotten clumsier." I laugh. Louis lightens up a bit, but still waits for the answer. "It's urm sand rock. I think." I say. He types something in his phone.

"Hotels just over that way." He points to the left. I see my hotel and get up slowly.

"That's it right there. Ill just walk." I say and brush my arms and legs of. I'm a little wobbly but Ill make it.

"Your falling." Louis says grabbing my arm. "I'll walk you." Louis says.

"What did you want me for?" Harry asks

"I'm not sure." Louis blushes a little and takes me by the arm. "I'll be right back, just gotta make sure she gets back in one piece." Louis says jokingly.

I laugh the realize something. "I haven't seen you in so long." I squeal hugging him. My head was clearing and I realized this was my best friend. My best friend since 1st grade. And I was finally seeing him after 10 years.

"You've gotten so pretty." Louis says grinning at me. "Cause you were just ugly as heck before." He lightly punches me in the arm. I push him into the sand and try to run but trip and fall. Louis laughs and grabs me by the waist picking me up.

"Oh my gosh" I smack myself I'm the forehead. Realizing I had just met Harry Styles and I looked like a piece of crap.

"What?" Louis says eyeing me.

"I made a great first impression on Harry didn't I?" I groan. Louis only grins. I see my umbrella and my parents and quickly run over. Louis follows my lead and jogs over too.

"Mom look who I found!" I say to her as I bend down to get my towel. I dry off as Louis and my mother say their hello's and how have you been's. I quickly brush my hair out and shake my head to get the sand out.

"Actually I found you." Louis grins looking down at my awkward position.

"I guess so." I say laughing.

"Where have you been?" Mom asks looking at my state.

"Boogie boarding gone bad." I laughed lightly and got into the cooler. I grabbed out a can of lemonade out. "Want any Lou?" I ask opening my can and taking a drink.

"Nah I'm fine." Louis says. "Wanna play in the water?" Louis asks perking up.

"Sure!" I say and run to the edge of the sand.

"Be careful!" Mom warned.

"Are you sure your heads okay?" Louis asks before running into the water further.

"Yeah I'm fine." I rub the back if my head and feel a little bump, but it doesn't even hurt so I'm fine.

"If you say so." Louis splashes the all to familiar salt water in my face. I laugh and splash him back. We run deeper into the ocean and relax a little.

"So catch me up." Louis says. Only head visible, everything else covered in water.

"On what?" I ask. I focus my attention on him, ignoring the screaming kids around us.

"Everything." Louis grins. Everything? Oh okay, he'll get every little detail of everything.

I tell him how I was so lonely when he moved. No friends, no way of talking to him. I found people though, I befriended others. I told him how I went into music. I learned the guitar and sang a little, though it sucked. How I played volleyball but thought my arms would fall of so I quite after my first year. I told him how in high school I started writing stories. I started keeping a book of everything. I told him how I had graduated and what I plan for college. I told him everything.

Louis commented here and there but mostly gawked. Not sure why. "Louis! Are you frozen?" I ask snapping my fingers in front of his face.

"I was just listening" Louis pouted.

"Now catch me up with you." I say splashing him a little. He splashes back then settles back into the water.

"We'll once I left, like you said it wasn't easy getting new friends. But I guess I lived. I decided to make something of my live and I started practicing for the X-factor. I auditioned for and then you know I met the rest of the guys. I started making albums with them, it was kind of hard adjusting to the new life. Coming from my old quiet life with you. I'm still adjusting. But it's great! The guys are so much fun and we all get along great!" Louis smiled at me.

I ducked under water, just as Louis splashed me. "Now your the frozen one!" Louis said to me. I splashed water back and stuck my lip out.

"I was just listening." I mocked him.

"Hey! You should meet the rest of the guys!" Louis said, his face lighting up.

"It's getting a tad bit late." I said pointing to the lowering sun. We both walked back up to the shore.

"You can meet them tomorrow then. Same time we had planed before." He said smiling

"Okay well see ya latter." I said as he made his way back to where we had came from.

"Bye!" He called over his shoulder.


One summer ~ one direcrionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon