Saying bye

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Sorry I haven't written lately, busy life! Love you all for the reads! Byeeee!


"I'll get your suit case." Niall said as we walked off the tour bus. Niall was going to ride the plane with me over and help me get settled into my dorm then he'll fly back.

"I'm proud of you Katie." Louis said hugging me from the side.

"That really means a lot." I smiled and hugged him back.

"We're going to miss you so much!" Harry weakly smiled as we all piled into the limo.

"I'll miss you guys too." I smiled back, even weaker than his. We road in the limo in silence until we got to the airport. My parents were meeting me there to see me off to.

"Mum!! Dad!!!" I cried running into their arms. The tears rolled down my cheeks. I had missed them so much, they can't imagine how much.

"Katie!!!" They cried hugging me back. They released me from the hug and I bent down to see Lizzy.

"Hey Lizzy!" I said hugging her too. More tears burning my eyes.

"Katie!! Your back!!" She cried hugging me tight. I looked at her and smiled at her little face. I turned to see Gracie and hugged her as well.

"I'm going to be leaving soon again." I said looking at Gracie and Lizzy in the eyes. I could see the tears threatening to spill out Gracie's eyes.

"I love you so much." I said crying into Gracie's arms.

"I love you too." She whispered into my hair. I could feel the tears running down her cheeks. I hadn't seen my family for 4 straight months. And I was leaving them again. I stood back up and looked mum in the eyes.

"Should I go?" I asked her.

"Why wouldn't you?" She asked surprised.

"I have missed you guys more than you'll ever know. And I'm leaving again. I don't know if I can do that." I said more tears spilling over.

"Chase your dreams, you know this is what you want. Visit us every chance you get. You'll be fine." She said wiping the tears off my cheek.

"I love you." I said kissing my mum and dad on the cheek. My flight was called and I went to hug all the boys.

"Bye guys." I said hugging each individual.

"Bye." "We'll miss you!" "Visit soon! "We'll visit you!!" The words echoed through my head. I grabbed Nialls hand and we walked to the line.

"Bye!!" I shouted back at everyone. My parents came and hugged me again. Lizzy kissed my cheek and Gracie hugged me too.

"Bye." I whispered to everyone.

"You'll be okay." Niall said squeezing my hand reassuringly.

"Thanks." I said leaning into his arms as we sat down on the plane.

"Get some sleep." He said kissing my forehead.

"Mkay." I said laying my head on his shoulder. My eye lids fluttered closed and my thoughts drifted back to college. It's conferring knowing Niall was going to help me get settled in. I hope I make friends here. I wonder if the classes will be hard. My head is fuzzy, oh well I guess I'll go to sleep.

"Night love." I faintly hear Niall whisper.

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