Always there for me

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I'm so excited to write this chapter!!!! It gonna be fun!! Thanks for all the reads!!


"What movie?" I asked looking up at Niall. We were on the tour bus, and today was a free day so we were spending it together. The other boys had agreed to let us have some alone time and they went off somewhere else.

"I like the mushy ones." Niall grinned down at me and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"The notebook?" I asked leaning onto his comforting arms and pulling the blanket around us tighter.

"Sure." He said kissing me on my forehead. I leaned up and kissed him on the lips. We cuddled deeper into the couch and laid down. I turned the notebook on and we turned our attention to the movie.

"Are you hungry babe?" Niall asked a while later.

"I'll make something if you are." I replied sitting up.

"No it's fine." He said pulling me back down. I flipped over so I was facing him. He leaned in and kissed me on the lips. I leaned in and kissed him back. He pulled me closer to him. I pulled back out of the kiss and snuggled my head into his shirt. He rubbed my back soothingly.

"I'll get the food now."I said raising my head up.

"Nooo," He moaned "I'm so comfortable."

"Niall saying no to food?!" I gasped. He chuckled.

"Only for my girl." He said kissing my cheek.

"Only for your sleep." I corrected. I got up and walked into the kitchen. I opened the cabinet and got out the popcorn. I put it in the microwave and waited. The microwave buzzed and I pulled out the bowl.

"Food!" Niall said digging in. We laid back down on the couch and cuddled. We ate and cuddled and eventually I nodded off.


"Babe." I faintly heard someone say. "Babe get up the boys are here." Someone whispered in my ear. I felt lips touch mine. My eyelids fluttered opened and I saw Niall leaning over me. I looked around and saw all the boys standing behind him.

"Awwwww they so cute." Louis grinned. I got up and smacked him on the arm. We all walked into the kitchen and crowded around the table.

"Who's making the food?" Zayn whined. We all look at Harry.

"Fine." He said getting up and walking over to the stove. I leaned my head on Nialls shoulder. Some one was petting my hair.

"Who is that." I mumbled.

"Not me." Liam said guiltily.

I kissed him on the cheek lightly.

"Hey!" Niall whined.

"I'm too tired to care." I said putting my head back on Nialls shoulder. He kissed the top of my head.

"What's wrong babe?" He asked hugging me.

"I'm just tired." I said kissing him on the cheek.

"It could be jet lag." Louis chimed in.

"Yeah we did fly." Harry nodded. We had flown from England to America then gotten on the tour bus.

"You better rest today love." Zayn said to me.

"K." I said. Harry set a plate of grilled cheese and pickles in front of me and I dug in. The rest if the boys got their food and ate too

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