The Broken Deal

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Its been 4 years since that day, Kow grew distant from the village, they had stopped hurting her but they still hated her, and wouldn't leave her be if she walked in. Hurling insults and harsh words as she walked by, or denying her the ability to buy food within the village. her sister Hasu had gotten them out of the village after the day the beast spoke, she had taken them not to far away from the village where she could grow  her flower sanctuary.  her sister had built her a tiny hut, and she visits regularly, she's not allowed to live with Kow due to their parents, but she doesn't mind she didn't have to worry about the villagers and that was worth it. 

Kow was currently out in her flowers trying her best to grow some veggies, she was about 9 at this time and her calloused hands dug into the dirt hoping that she could get to the good layer to grow her food. her mind was lost in her own thoughts not really paying attention to the surroundings around her. 

About an hour later she started to hear a rustling in the bushes and trees around her, but she didn't feel the wind, her body tensed thinking maybe the villagers were around, she scanned her eyes over the area she heard the noise, coming from her left in the shadows of the thicker forest, her ruby eyes  piercing the darkness. 

her eyes landed on an Unfamiliar figure emerging from the trees, putting her on edge, he was pale, with long black hair and she could see he had similar eyes to hers, well her second pair. his tongue  was hanging out while he was smirking at her. his eyes looked hungry and excited it scared and worried her. 

"well, look what we have here, I finally found the cursed princess." his voice was rough and deep, his hair had moved over his face, and he was getting to close for comfort. 

she was not at all ready for a fight, she had learned a thing or two on how to defend herself, but she wasn't a trained shinobi. her fist rose up ready for an attack, but he still calmly walked up to her, the smirk plastered on his face, she could see it was a fake kindness he had tried to place in his face. 

"my dear child," his voice washed over hear ears, and a chill ran up her spine, "I need you to come with me, we have so much we need to do." 

Kow wanted nothing to do with this man or whatever he planned for her, she turned herself around and ran, even if she rarely visits the town or that they didn't like her at least her sister was there. while she was running she heard laughing behind her, and as she grew closer to the village she saw everything in flames and civilians running from their homes screaming. running past the people and the flames she ran straight to her parents house, she wanted her sister. 

running threw the door she saw her parents in the living room holding Hasu on the couch, she was begging to go to Kow. 

her parents eyes zoomed to the open door and her panting in the door way, looking scared at her presence there. kow went straight to her sister as her mother screamed that it was her fault they were being attacked, and she should have killed her. her father was stoic hard to read, but his eyes held such a rage that she couldn't look at him. when she was at her sisters side she saw blood everywhere, Hasu was covered in it her shirt was stained in crimson and ripped severely, Kow could see the wounds she had received while fighting someone. 

she started to try to patch up her sister, when her father ripped her off throwing her in the wall of the already destroyed house, with enough force to break the wall behind her,  she crumpled to the floor, her back flaring in pain, she didn't make a sound but slowly got back up and went right back to her sister. the only person besides doc that ever really cared about her, she wasn't going to lose her to their parents foolishness. 

as Kows hand touched her sister she was thrown again, this time by her mother, threw a wall that knocked her outside. laying on her back as her mother screamed at her, hurling any and all insults she could at her youngest daughter. she could see her father behind her mother taking care of Hasu, the glow of healing coming from her fathers hand. 

"your nothing but a curse for us, you always have been." her mothers cold void voice filled the air. Kow knew her mother we enough to know that she was not thinking rationally she was just angry, her favorite daughter was injured and she herself showed up, her cursed child she let live. 

Kow was trying to get up but a piece of the wall pinned her down, covering over her side and arm, she was trapped, tears entered her eyes but did not fall. she was just as strong as her sister and she was determined to show her she was. 

steeling herself she was going to attempt to get up till she felt more weight added to her side that was pinned and found her mother putting her foot down on her, her weight increasing trying to get a reaction out of her. gritting her teeth she wasn't going to let her get the satisfaction of making her cry out. 

biting her lip hard enough to draw blood, her fangs pierced her flesh like butter, and if she tried she could completely bit off her lower lip, her dark coppery blood filled her taste buds as she cursed her mother and father for focusing on her instead of her sister, was their hate that potent for her? if she wasn't cursed would she have gotten that same love? why did everyone fear her? 

Kirau POV 

eyes trained to the child laying on the ground her mother watched her with hate, she at the beginning of her birth cherished her and tried to make her happy, but her curse tainted her how could she take over the village with such a thing. such a blood thirsty power should have never reappeared, even the prophecy holders didn't foretell this curse coming back. years after she was born did a prophecy come to her and it troubled most, she was supposed to ally with the sand and not use them as a tool but to actually treat them as one of their own, how foolish a notion. 

raising her foot once again she started to stomp on the debris covering the cured one, she was the one who caused this attack wasn't she?  she had to be, why else attack the village if not to get her power, she's the cause of all this pain and suffering so she's going to make her feel it just as much. taking out her sword she was thinking what would be the best way to go about this, she didn't want her to die now, she want her to suffer. seeing her legs unmoving and still she decided then, swinging down there was the sound of flesh cutting and bone breaking slightly, she didn't hit hard enough to completely sever the leg, on porpoise of course. 

the cursed child  barely flinched as her leg got hit, probably due to the years of torment beforehand. looking at her face she could see blood trickling down her mouth her fangs caught on her lower lip, tears fresh in her eyes due to the pain, but she didn't scream and didn't move. well at least she wouldn't have to hear any of its awful whining, swinging her sword down a second time she felt her sword hit dirt as it completely severed her right leg, bringing a smile on her lips. this is what she deserves, was it not? 

a second passed before she looked at her eyes just once more and she wished she didn't because the red slits of the beast were in them and it was angry, and with hat she realized she forgot about the deal.  

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Feb 22, 2022 ⏰

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