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Adaman's Pov
Wait, what? Why is Cyllene taking her away? No! Cyllene can't take her away I need to know what's going on.

"Cyllene wait, what are you doing with

"Oh hello Adaman what brings you here? Anyways this girl is new to the village and unfortunately she can't remember who she was or were she got these wounds. She wanted to help out so much for us taking her in that she wanted to sweep the whole village poor thing."

"Are you sure? It'd probably be pretty difficult to forget wounds like that. Her back looked terrible." I have a keen sense to tell when people are lying and Cyllene definitely is.

"Yes, I'm positive right L?"

"Yes. I don't remember a thing." The girl said with sadness in her voice.

"Anyways Adaman if you have to go to the commander's office then he should be free now, but we have to go. Have to patch up her wounds. Good bye." Cyllene sounded in a hurry to get out of here when I said that. I didn't wanot to let her go, but I don't want to sound to suspicious. I'll have ask the commander about this and see what he has to say.

Hmm that's weird his door is shut. It's never shut and I heard moans inside? Anyways I'm walking up the stairs and the door opens and Beni walks out?? That's a mystery for another day.

I walk in wanting answers. Kamado seems a little disheveled probably from his earlier... encounter with Beni.

"What can I do for you Adaman?" He asked with a little nervousness in his voice.

"The girl, do you know what happened to her or who she is? Cyllene explained some of it but I'd like to hear more from you."

"Adaman you have my utmost respect as the leader of the Diamond Clan, but our village's matters are none of your concern. I suggest stop looking into our issues and seeing what you can do for your own clan. If you don't then you may have... problems with some of of the villages in Hisui."

"Are you threatening me Kamado?"

"No I'm just stating a fact, now if that's all, you should get going I have work to do."

"If you insist I'll take my leave... say hi to Beni for me."

"Oh! Um you see we were just-"

I left before he could finish the sentence. I guess if I want to know more I'll have to go find that girl. I think Cyllene said she was being kept in the farmlands? I'll bring leafeon along to help.

Nighttime your Pov

I've been sitting in this room ever since Cyllene lied to that man and brought me back. I still wonder who he was or if I'll ever see him again. I was thinking about how I was ever going to get out of this mess when I heard something banging on my door and saying Leafeon!!! What the heck is that. I can't open the door because Cyllene always locks it and I don't have any windows so I have no clue what it is unless it comes in or leaves. Then I heard someone a strong male voice, and he said.

"Hello is anyone in there?" He said with curiosity. I don't know why but I feel like I can trust him.

"Yeah I am. What do you want?"

"My name's Adaman, what's yours? I'm the guy from earlier from near the main building. You said you needed help. I want to know more about what happened to you."

"Oh okay, I would tell you but it's difficult when there's a locked door between us."

"Your right it's a good thing I brought Leafeon to help. Leafeon use your tail to pick the lock."

Then the door opened and the strangest creature I've ever seen came in. It was ever seen came in, it was even weirder than the weird floating one called Abraa. I'm positive this one's name is Leafeon, because Adaman kept saying it's name. It looks like some sort of mutated cat with a blade of grass on it's forehead sprouting out like hair, it had big brown eyes, and was light brown.

Then Adaman walked in and he was just as handsome as when I first saw him, but now's really not the time to think about how hot he is.

"What has been happening here? Are you okay?" He said worried.

"I don't know what my real name is but everyone calls me L for lost. As for what's happening here it's a very confusing story are you sure you want to hear it?"

"Yes of course I do, I want to help you and for that I would like to know what's happening."

"Okay here it is...

So I gave him the whole recap about how I fell out of the sky and live in constant abuse and pain. He didn't know what to say I think he's trying to process everything I told him.

"That is despicable, immoral... Even if they are suspicious of you they shouldn't have done all of this to you. You're definitely being used. How cruel can they be taking advantage of a girl who doesn't know who, or where she is." He said with rage in his voice.
He is the only person since I got here that truly cares what happens to me, for that I am grateful even if he can't do anything to save me in the end.

Author here !!!

Hey everyone! Thank you all so much for reading and voting for my story! I really appreciate it, and I hope you continue to enjoy this story! Also sorry for the wait been busy with school! I'll try to update more in the future though!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2022 ⏰

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