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Cyllene's Pov

I just got done with my mission to give L sleeping medication in her food, so now all I have to do is report to Commander Kamado and Professor Laventon.

Oh good the Professor is outside this makes things a little easier. "Hey Professor I have the report."

Adaman's Pov

Hmm better go talk to Kamado about the frenzies before Irida gets here. Is that Cyllene wonder what they're talking about? Well it wouldn't hurt to listen in a little.

Cyllene: "Near the farmland-"

Laventon: "Is she asleep-"

Cyllene: "drugged potato mochi-"

What the hell? Drugged potato mochi? Girl in the farm? I think I should stick around here to investigate a little. The change of pace will be nice.

3 days later

Ughh my head... what happened? I'm so disoriented  and where am I again?? ... Oh yeah... All the memories from when I got here came rushing back. The pain and the horror. I... can't believe this is really happening! I can feel the tears running down my cheeks as I cry. Did Cyllene betray me??

                                  30 minutes later
Cyllene came in with some food and new bandages but right now I don't want anything from her.

"Oh good your awake." Said Cyllene with no emotion in her voice.

"What do you want."

" I came here to change your bandages and give you food."

"What so you can drug me again." If she thinks that she came just come in here and expect me to be nice after drudging me she's sorely mistaken.

"Look I did that to protect you. Though I don't you understand at you age. Anyways we need to discuss your work for today."

"Work? what are you talking about?"  I mean I'm fine with chores and stuff, but not when I'm being treated like trash.

"Yes if you we give you shelter than you must work. Even if that shelter is... well crude to say the least." Said Cyllene with disdain.

"This isn't even a shelter it's a prison! Shelter typically means a safe place where you can leave of your own free will! I'm so angry at this point why didn't anyone understand! Once I get any chance, and my wounds heal I'm outta here! I'd rather take my chance the the pokémon! Hmm I got to play this smart though so I'll behave... for now...

" Okay Cyllene what do I have to." Minus well get this over with as fast as possible.

"Today you are doing to sweep the whole village so Bidoofs got in and got trash everywhere."

"Bidoofs?? Ah never mind whatever but what about my back? It's still in pretty bad shape and I'm in no condition to sweep the whole village. I mean look at me I'm covered in cuts and bruises, and my back! My wounds are definitely going to reopen again."

"Look L I'm sorry but there's nothing I can do. If you don't do it you'll get more lashes. Your just going to have to endure."

"Anything but that I'll do it, and thank you Cyllene. Truly. You stuck by me even when I distrusted you, although you did drug me... So next time give me a heads up will you!"

"Sure, now hurry  up you have work to do." I think that was the first time I saw her smile.

One Hour Later

It's sweltering out here, my wounds reopened about 20 minutes ago and they're festering in the heat. Of course there's blood all over the back of my shirt. It's only been one day and I'm miserable I need to get out of here as soon as possible. Before this place kills me. That's when I saw him. He had to be the most handsome guy I have ever seen ( Although I don't remember any other guys from before.) He was tall with luscious blue hair with dirty blonde undertones. His eyes were filled with kindness and determination. I knew If anyone could help me get out of here, It was him.

Adaman's Pov

I've stayed in this village and I've barely learnt anything the villagers are scared to tell me anything. I wonder why, someone has to be behind this. I was walking to the main building and that's when I saw her. She was beautiful, but covered in blood and grime. She mouthed to me the words... "Help me" Then I knew I had to do everything I could to protect her. This village has a secret and I Adaman Leader of the Diamond swear to find out what it is.

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