The Fall

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"Ouch... Where... Where am I? What just happened? Wait... Who am I?"
Before any of my questions could be answered a voice called out to me."

"AH! Oh sorry you scared me!" They said surprised.
They were tall with a dark tan, and they wore a unusual hat.

"Oh hello, could you tell where I am?" I was quite confused as to why I was here in this new strange land with no memory as to who I was.
"Where are you don't play dumb girl. Your in the Hisui Region" What are you a foreigner or something?" "I suppose it would make sense with those ugly clothes your wearing."

I don't know what to say. I am humiliated and angry and him for saying this things. I don't think I will ever like this man.

"Wait. You didn't come out of the rift did you?" He said with an angry tone in his voice."

"Umm and if I did?" I don't know if that is where I came from but judging from the hole in the ground where I just was I think about that's an accurate assumption.

"Then I order you to come with me. My name is Professor Laventon, and with order of the Survey Corps I'm putting you in custody of putting all the noble pokémon in a frenzy and creating a rift to try and destroy our world."

"Wait, what! I did no such thing! I don't even know where I am let alone anything about pokémon! Besides you don't even have any evidence!" Why did this man think I did it, and what the heck are pokémon?!

"Just the fact of you coming out of that rift is enough evidence to throw you in jail. Your lucky if we don't just execute you instead. We will have to examine you to find out what you want from this region, and if you ever want your freedom then you will have to work for the village and do everything we say. If you don't we'll cast you out to be killed by the wild pokémon."

I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I could run but I have no clue where I am and wild pokémon? I don't know what they are or if they're as dangerous as this man says so I'll just have to go with him for now. Well at least until I find out what the hell is going on.

"Okay, I'll go with you it's not as if I have a choice in the matter anyways."

"Good. Now just to make sure you don't try to escape..."

I was hit in the back of the head with something and then everything went black...

I woke up in a dark, cold, damp room. I was sitting on the stone floor and I couldn't see anything but I felt... naked?!? I could hear voices outside and could just make out the words.

"She's been out for awhile now. Just how hard did you hit her Laventon." Said a more demanding voice.

"Look Commander Kamado I swear I didn't even hit her that hard must've been the fall." 

"Fine. Cyllene go check up on her and give her the clothes."  Said who I now presume to be Kamado.

Yes sir. What would you like me to do with her when I'm done?" Said who was probably Cyllene.

"Bring her to my office so I can "initiate her" into the village."

"Of course sir."
Author here!!! thanks for reading!!

Not r*pe c'mon guys get your mind out of the gutter lol

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