There were also a significant amount of necessities, and Aerie was secretly impressed that they could get clothes of her size in such a short time. If it was not for the death threat, Aerie would have thought that she was a guest of some kind.

Still, she would have to leave. Aerie sighed.

Three days would be long. That would be ling enough for her to do a lot of stuff, and a lot of thinking too. How deep was she under the ground? How far was the part destination away from the city? From what she remembered, it would be only a ten minutes walk. But only if she remembered it correctly.

Aerie laid on the bed, and crumbled the bed sheets onto her. The bed was made of steel, which would not make things better. If she was lucky enough, she thought, then she might as well find a small screwdriver attached under the bed— usually beds would come with one of those, to make the dismantling part easier.

She searched under the bed for the screwdriver that might possibly be there, and couldn't help but smile when it was actually there, attached to a corner of the bed. In the following two hours where nobody bothered to visit her, or to check if she was up to something, Aerie spent all of the time searching for objects that she could actually use.

And in the end, there were a few metal sticks, forcefully and unskillfully taken from the bed, and a few cups. Aerie was surprised when she found a pretty sharp knife in the cutlery box, although it would be of little use as there would be no combating during an escape. Hopefully there would be none. Also, they would have guns.

"Great." Aerie mumbled. After some rounds of thinking, she finally decided that the long and heavy sticks would be of little use, for she would prefer vents to breaking windows and doors. Sharp objects would be more useful, for they can unscrew the nails and screws.

It was actually surprising that nobody, nobody at all came for her when she wandered her room for another two hours, and could sense that the sun was setting even with no windows. They must have other stuff to be busy at, Aerie thought. She stared at the glass door between her and the hallway. Such a small distance to freedom.

"Hey!" Aerie yelled, knocking on the glass door gently. She expected somebody to come to her and telling her to stop the fuss, but still, there were nobody.

"Hey— anyone here?" Aerie yelled, this time louder and banged on the glass door, "Anyone listening to me?"

Still, no reply. As if she was being left to rot alone in a landfill, unattended.

It was unusual, Aerie thought. The surveillance camera was not inside her room, rather was outside, where she couldn't break through the inside, but could be quite clearly seen from the outside what she was doing.

Then they must have saw her working around the metal in her bed, and must have seen her examining the corners of the room to see if there were any flaw in the construction that she could possibly take advantage of. The camera was functional, Aerie could confirm by the lines and the small red light that kept flickering. Yet still, even after five hours of work, nobody bothered to stop her.

If they wanted me to leave so badly, Aerie thought, then I am leaving now. She firmly gripped the metal bar that had laid on her bed for the whole time and started smashing it towards the glass door.

It was double insulated. With the first smash down, Aerie knew already.

Seemingly unbeatable. The double insulated glass— with two layers of glass with a layer of plastic in the middle, gives the glass transparency. And a lot of extra strength as the plastic holds the two layers together. Many showed that even with a hammer, or sharp drills, the glass could still no be broken through.

Physics. All it needs would be some physics.

Aerie never learnt a lot of physics, she wasn't best at it. But when it comes to a bit of hanging objects to ropes and releasing them at a high position to increase force in smashing stuff, she could still... do something for it.

Here it goes. Aerie thought. The metal stick was tied to a long rope on the ceiling, to the smoke detector that she secretly hope it wouldn't break so quickly. She threw the stick forwards with all the force she had in her hands.

The rod hit onto the door directly, replying with a loud bang. Aerie collected the stick and did it again. Though it was the same for the next try, and for the next few tries. She believed that eventually the would be some difference.

"She's trying to break the door. And it will break eventually. You must admit that she had a nice method."

"Go ahead. Let her try."

"At this rate, she would escape. Theres none of our people guarding her, Madam'."

"I said, let her try, Jack. We only have to make sure that she doesn't escape before Saturday."

"As you wish, then." Jack said.

The Lady. Lady Lovelock. The figure took the seat by the cameras, and watched as Aerie continued to come up with other methods to try break the glass door— the seeming flaw in the room.

And when there was finally a crack on the door, Lady Lovelock sighed. She then pressed the red button lying on the desk.

Gas started to leak into Aerie's room through the smoke detector.

Aerie's Fallen ImmortalWhere stories live. Discover now