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Emma Winston

My mind was still reeling from all that happened yesterday.

My heart broke when I saw the crushed hope in his emerald green eyes and I wanted to hold him so tightly. But I couldn't do it.

I loved him. I love him so much. But just not in the way he does.

I know I am not a good person and I am not even trying to be a good person. But seeing him like that, I wanted to make him happy in any way possible.

True, all that came as a shocker and I never expected since I always thought of us as a distraction.

I've been much more quieter since the conversation. Not just with Harry but with everyone.

I've been to sleep before Zayn came in and up and out to the stadium for content early in the morning.

Keeping to myself all day has been hard. But whenever I've found my eyes fleeting towards the green eyes, the insides of me have crushed.

He had been smiling with everyone but soon when everybody removed their gazes from him, his smile dropped in a fraction of second.

I've known what heartbreak looks like. And this time it looked like Harry. The rest of the boys have noticed both my and Harry's distant relationship wondering what went wrong.

The tour was gonna officially start today making me a lot busier than I actually was.

Fortunately, no mission was scheduled for this venue making me relax a bit but I had been losing a lot of sleep over it.

"Emma, you okay?" I snap back to the distorted source of voice. Niall and Liam were looking over at me concerned.

"Yeah-uh. I was just... A little message for you fans, can you just text me? I need all of your messages. I've got to upload it 3hrs before the concert."

They look at each other making me anxiously tap my foot.

"Sit." Niall turns the chair towards me. I hesitate.

"Sit down, Emma." Liam sternly adds with a soft smile. I oblige tapping my fingers on my black skirt.

My eyes are trained over the phone on my lap mindlessly scrolling over all the positive happy messages.

Their eyes were literally burning on my back making me finally turn around,

"I rejected him." I quietly say making them sit up straighter. Lou Teasdale froze on her tracks hearing me say that stopping her search for clothes.

"We were in a cafe and... And he suddenly, out of nowhere started saying and I-I-just. I have never really thought about him as something else." I finish with my eyes closed breathing out a sigh. I could feel them exchanging looks and everything seems still. 

Without anyone talking anymore, I feel a tug on my arms and I turn around seeing Niall holding his hand out to me with a bar of chocolate and I look up at him feeling teary-eyed. 

Niall never shares his food and this moment, him sharing something he never does makes me feel so much better. I quietly take the chocolate and munch on it, the insides of me already melting from the warm chocolaty feeling. 

They both give me warm smiles and lets me take goofy photos of their for the contents and even let me post some of the funny snaps on the socials. 

"Your hair is really natural", Louis voices out making me feel good, "Thank you so much but honestly I feel like changing it up a bit." 

"Well, then you're in luck." She excitedly says while doing the hair for Louis. I laugh at her and Louis with his eyes glued to his phone murmurs, "Just don't change it to blue or green anything." 

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