30 7 104

Emma Winston

I sit up with a jump from my deep slumber when I hear the front door rapidly being knocked. I quickly rush and open the front door revealing an energetic Harry standing with two coffee cups in his hand.

"What took you so long?" He asks swiftly removing a strand of hair from my face making me jumpy from the sudden contact.

What was up with Harry being all touchy?

"We fell asleep and lost track of time." I tell him letting him come in. "What do you mean by uh 'we'-" He stops talking looking over at Zayn still asleep on the left side of the bed.

The pillow wall was broken with the pillows lying all over the floor. I knew what he was thinking, I knew him all too well.

"I thought Zayn was supposed to sleep on the couch?" He asks me and I nod my head, "It felt extremely uncomfortable so I offered to share the bed."

His face drops for a bit but he is quick to hide. To clear the air, I quickly say, "We just slept together."

Both of our eyes widen hearing me say that and I clear my throat from the embarrassment, "Let me say that again: We only.. uh.. you know... just did the sleeping part where people close their eyes and sometimes snore..." I say trying to sound sane.

He doesn't say anything but makes himself comfortable on the couch. I make myself presentable and do my hair.

After quite a few minutes, Zayn wakes up creating the atmosphere much more awkward when he thought I was still asleep beside him.

They both are currently staring at each other with me observing both of them.

Suddenly Zayn gets up, makes way to the washroom and grabs one coffee cup from Harry cheekily, "Thanks for the early morning energy, Styles", making Harry irritated.

"I thought we were going shopping today?" I ask him and instantly he smiles at me, "Yes. I am taking you to shopping. It's like our day out!"

And with that, we both make our way downstairs with the receptionist shooting me daggers making me roll my eyes at her unprofessional behaviour.

What was I even thinking about unprofessional? I was going shopping with the man who kidnapped me.

Classic day.

*Listen to The Joker and The Queen while reading. Important*

We were standing in front of the Manhattan Mall with sunglasses on our face. Several times we've been stopped by Harry's fans asking for autographs and selfies. Not a single time has he rejected even one fan. He is the sweetest person I've ever met.

Soon I was looking over at the different varieties of clothes with Harry trailing behind me, his eyes glued to his phone.

"If you were just gonna be on your phone all day, you could've stayed back." I say to him while eyeing the price tag of a lovely coat.

"You don't need to worry about the price tag, love." He tells me making my eyes widen, "Why not?"

"Because... it's like... think of it as a negotiation? You work for us, you can buy anything for free." He says stringing the sentence with great difficulty.

"I can't do that. No, no way." I frantically say my hands taking in the warmth of the clothes.

"Emma." I look at him and with a serious but soft tone, he says, "Take it."

I try out most of the dresses and I notice him looking at me by the mirror. He doesn't realise that I catch him looking at me. But I keep quiet.

"You look fucking beautiful in these dress." He says out loud making me laugh. Finally after paying for my whole wardrobe with a credit card assigned to me, we make our way to a small cafe.

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