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"I hate you so much. You destroyed my fucking life."

That's the only thing which I am able to tell me in midst of all the pain and rage and hurt.

He doesn't even take a step back from me. He stays exactly where he was. Standing in his usual confidence posture with his hands on his waist. More specifically near the guns.

He was even alert while talking to me. What was he alert for?

All I knew that too much of expressing my emotions might result in my death.

"Why the fuck are you silent now? Didn't you want this? Me being corrupt, dark and evil just like you fucking wanted me to be!"

I laugh. I laugh out loud probably because of too much of adrenaline.

"I am just like how you fucking trained me to be."

"You need to calm down."

I roughly rush towards him and pin him against the wooden door. His black collars are crushed under my tight grip.
I could feel his hand holding onto his gun hidden behind his jeans.

"Don't you fucking dare tell me to calm down." I yell at his face. He remains emotionless as if this confrontation was nothing but a boring time-pass for him.

"You are a fucking heartless monster who doesn't deserve to be loved." I quietly say looking deep into his eyes with nothing but disgust.

As soon as I say that, everything happens in a slow motion. I feel myself pinned against the wall with strong hands curling my neck.

He was choking me. "You better know when to shut your stupid mouth."

But in an instant, I am hovering over him with him pinned under me on my bed.

"Don't you ever dare to touch me again.'


I don't know why this prologue turned out to be so aggressive. I mean wow. Obviously it wasn't supposed to but I guess all my emotions got overwhelmed and this was the result.

I really hope you all like the trailer and the prologue. There's a lot to unfold.
I am really so excited!!!

Follow me on twitter: ayushi_jpg

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