Ch.31 - Not Again

Start from the beginning

I make my way across the street. This dude had caused Murphy to fight with him, the first day of school, and now, he was following him around like a puppy, and I was pretty sure he had followed me home. 

“You’ve gotta go.” I warn him as I come to a halt on the sidewalk. “What happened?” he asks in a genuinely curious tone. I shrug. “I don’t know yet, and that’s not really any of your business.” I say, tilting my head to the side. “He’s my best friend and he hasn’t been answering my texts. I wanna know if he’s okay.” he says, seriously. Best friend? “If Murphy wants to talk to you, he will, but he’s not that kind of person.” I say, rubbing the back of my neck. Murphy didn’t like opening up to people. The only time he’d really socialize with others was occasionally flipping people off, and fighting them. The only other people he’d made friends with are Monty and Jasper with whom ate lunch with. He was a total babe though. I snap out of my thoughts, and return my attention back to Jake. “You don’t know that…” he says, crossing his arms over his chest. I roll my eyes. “Jake, you don’t know Murphy. Trust me when I say that he’s not an open book.” I state, “He’s a safe surrounded by bullet proof glass with only one key, and I’ve got it okay?” I say getting frustrated. He smirked at me and shook his head. “You can always make copies of keys, Bellamy.” he says in a sing song voice, turning on his heals and walking away. I flip off him behind his back and walk back to my house. 

I storm into the room, slamming the door causing Murphy to jolt. I walk over to the desk where he was doing algebra and I shut his book. “That Jake person wants to make a copy of the key.” I state. He looks at me strangely, “Key?” he asks and my eyes shut. “A while ago, when I was trying to get you to make friends, you told me about you being a safe with a key…” I open my eyes and he nods. “What about it?” he asks. “Jake told me that he was your best friend and then that he would make a copy of the key so that you would open up to him.” I say in a breath and I see Murphy snort in laughter. “Okay, sure.” he says, with a hiss of sarcasm. I sigh. He walks over to the bed, and lays down, pulling the sheets over himself, clearly exhausted, even if the sun was only now starting to set. Murphy turns over to face the wall, no longer facing me. He would do that sometimes. Just... Shut down. I sigh, and sit on the bed. Chocking back tears, drying them while I take deep breaths. I stare at the back of his head wanting to ask it a million questions. I wanted to ask him if he was ok. I wanted to ask him what triggered the panic attack. I wanted to ask why Jake was so interested in him. "Murphy?" I whisper in a quiet and delicate voice. I knew he was awake, I knew he could hear me, so when he said nothing, I continue. "Today, in Spanish, Clarke was talking about camp." I say, wanting to at least get his mind on something other than whatever trailed his mind right now. "I was listening to her tell her about Derek and Scott being werewolves or something?” I scoff at how stupid that was. I look over to Murphy who hasn't changed his position. I could barely see him breath. I sigh, moving up, so that I was sitting next to him. I feel like it's a bad idea, but I don't really care. I flip Murphy over, and I hold him so that his head was now resting on my chest. He still had his eyes open, but wasn't crying. He just... Was out of it and I don't know what to do other than hum random melodies, and play with his hair.

Murphy P.o.v.

I can feel Bellamy's hand in my hair as he hums. I want to react, but I just cannot. I lie, listening to the beating heart beneath the boy that I love, staring into nothing. It was moments like this that made all my questions about Bellamy's loyalty disappear. Those thought about him leaving me vanished. If he didn't love me, he wouldn't have taken me in his arms. He didn't know how I'd react to it, but he knew that I needed this. He knew what I needed. If Jake thought for even one second that he'd become my new Bellamy, he had another thing coming. 

We stay seated that way for who knows how long. I remember Susan walking in, and then leaving, then Octavia came and left. I don't really pay attention. The only thing keeping me alert right now is the steady beat of my lovers heart.

I feel myself coming to. "I love you." I say, burying my face in his shirt, and I can feel him smile. "I love you too." He says and I smile. I finally start to move again and the clock reads 8:00 P.M. my eyes widen, and I look at him apologetically. "Shit. I'm sorry." I mutter, and he chuckles. "It was my pleasure." He says with a kind smile. "Kinda gotta pee though." He says scrunching his face and I jump off of him. He slowly gets up and walks out. I get up for the first time in a few hours, and my body was tense. I stretch it out and let out a massive yawn. Although I hadn't slept, I rubbed my eyes, and took my phone off of the bedside table. It had, for a while resided in my pocket, but after a while, Bellamy gently removed it after the excessive buzzing. 

Bellamy and I still get tons of Tumblr notifications from that post we'd put up before summer, and I smiled whenever I saw it. I then notice that I have 7 unread texts. I furrow my eyebrows. I texted no one except Bellamy and his mother, and that was only rarely. I open the green app, and notice that Jake had been the one trying to reach me. 


You alright?

I saw you outside with Bellamy. Did you guys have a fight?


I'm just trying to be a good friend.

Please answer.

If Bellamy is forcing you to be with him, you can tell me. 

Those were all of his ridiculous texts. I roll my eyes, and turn off my phone without answering him. He didn't deserve it. If he thought he'd come and be a home wrecker, I'd show him him. I crack my neck before flopping down into the bed. "Took you long enough." I tease, when Bellamy comes back. He scoffs and I kneel of the bed. I open my arms wide and he he chuckles giving me a hug. I sigh into his neck. "Can I just kill Jake?" I whine, pulling away from him. He has his arms around my waist mine do the same to his. When I ask him, he doesn't even look surprised anymore. I wanted to kill someone new every week. "I'd wait a bit longer of I were you." He says with a wink. He was probably right.

Hey, so Murphy's going through some really tough shit now, and Jake's not making the situation easier. Do you think Murphy will listen to Bellamy when he tells him to wait a while longer? Comment your opinions. Until next update, you can read my other 2 murphamy fics. And follow me on IG: @bellamy.murphy100

Love you lots!Xx

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