"Oh...somebody seems to have some boy problems" Rambo's annoying voice sounded off which did not alleviate Cordula's ire. "Not now brat I'm not in the mood" Rambo rolled his eyes and scoffed. She was always not in the mood when it comes to him but then he remembered the sudden surprise escort of soldiers and his grin turned devious.

"Say cuz, you never mentioned me you were familiar with someone in the army" Cordula puller her head out of the pillow and gave Rambo a suspicious look "What?" Rambo snorted at her actions "I can't believe all it took was mentioning someone from the military for you to snap out of whatever mood's been plaguing you" Cordula stared at her cousin before plopping her head back to the pillow "Why exactly are you here?" Rambo shrugged his shoulders before showing her a photo of a lizard with a prehensile tail, large eyes and brightly colored body.

"Is this animal sick? I can't see clearly with this picture close to my face!" Cordula shouted as she snatched the photo and looked at it with slight distance. "It's my friend's Chameleon. He always wanted to have one, and once he finally does he sent me a photo to brag. Why can't we have a live pet instead of dead fishes?" Rambo asked with a pout and a slight whine.

If you KNEW what was swimming below, I doubt he would appreciate being called a pet.

Cordula glared at Rambo slightly before she frowned at the picture, and a thought passed through her brain. "Wait, don't chameleons change their color to blend in?" Cordula asked out loud.

Rambo looked at her in confusion "Yeah, I thought you knew that already considering where your course is...." Rambo said with his arms crossed but was suddenly startled when Cordula abruptly sat up and glared down at the photo as if it held the answers she had been looking.

"What is up with that look on your face? You're gonna tear a hole in that picture" Rambo said as he moved to take the picture away but yelped when Cordula suddenly knelt on the bed and shouted.


She grinned before she got off her bed and made a mad dash to the door. She headed to the main door only to be met by security. Frozen, she slammed the door back shut and locked it "I forgot security was there" Cordula mumbled, loud enough for Rambo (Who followed her downstairs) to yell out "What do you mean 'You forgot they were there?'" Rambo growled.

"What could be something so important that you would forget your escorts are still there?" His question went unanswered as Cordula marched up to the back door and peeked through the window. Sure enough, there were some soldiers patrolling the area.

Damn, this is really too much just to escort me home. Are they planning to place me under house arrest until this whole thing blows over?!.

Cordula turned on the tv and saw reporters flocking some soldiers patrolling the area and were met by hostility as they were escorted out of the premises. "I can help you get outta here, but you'll have to bring me along with you" Rambo suddenly suggested. Cordula gazed at the boy whom she knew had the tendency to run off where the chaos would start.


Rambo crossed his arm and turned away "Fine then, have fun trying to sneak your way out" Cordula felt her eye twitch as Rambo slowly walked away from her. It took only a few seconds before Cordula called out "Ok Wait." Rambo secretly fist bumped the air as Cordula looked at him like he was something she really wanted throw out to the trash.

"What exactly do you have in mind?"


Nick and the gang blinked when the spot Godzilla was supposed to show turned up empty.

"I think we'd see Godzilla if you were ten feet away" Nick said as they continued to stare at the scene in bafflement. Mendel looked back down on his mini computer to see the exact spot flashing "Maybe you should get that thing an overhaul" Hicks replied, only to stop when a T-Rex roar resounded in their ears.

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