Chapter 13 The Final Showdown

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Chapter 13 The Final Showdown

(Continue Diamond)

I was in my car driving into speed. London was leaving her doctors appointment and the last thing I heard was London scream get the fuck off me. Like why couldn't they leave her alone she was pregnant for God sake. I called up Sapphire and she was right behind along with Mitch. We tracked her down from the location on her phone. We stopped at some kind of abandon warehouse. We slowly walked in and that's when we seen London chocking Marie to death. It's crazy how strong London got since becoming pregnant. She let go of Marie neck once she stopped struggling. But she didn't release until she knew for sure she was dead. London got up and walked over towards me. She had that crazy possessed look in her eye. She walked over to me and gave me hug.

Diamond: Babe what happened

Marie: Bitch ass tried to kidnap me. She brought me here I pretend to be unconscious and once she let her guard down as you can see I kicked her ass.

Sapphire: Let's get out of here

Mitch: I agree

Just as we were leaving everyone we had beef with were surrounding us. We called other people we know to get here quick and before I knew it we were putting up the fights of our life. I just pray I see another day and nobody hurts London baby.

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