Chapter 4 Feeling Unloved

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Chapter 4 Feeling Unloved


I was pissed that my sister older Mena is best friend with Tee who is beefing with Diamond and London right now. I was stuck between a rock and hard place. My sister wants me to take her side and leave Chyna and her family alone. But Chyna is my everything and I'm not leaving her but at the same time Mena is family and she's my older sister and was there with me through everything. She's the one that paid for my medical school. This was a hard decision but I know what I have to do. I was disturbed from my thoughts when Chyna came in the room hopping on top of me.

Rena: Chyna not now" she said pushing Chyna off of her

Chyna: Did I do something wrong baby

Rena: I'm leaving

Chyna: Oh okay where are you going

Rena: Chyna I'm leaving you

Chyna: W....Wh......Why" she said as tears started coming down her eyes

Rena: Because my sister Mena is best friends with Tee and Mena thinks I can't be married to you and be friends with Tee as well. I known Tee longer than I known any of you guys and my sister and everyone comes before you I'm sorry but I want a divorce. I can't turn on my sister she's done a lot for me. I'm sorry Chyna. We can still be friends

Chyna: Fuck you're friendship when I come back I want you gone and don't ever talk to me again

Rena: Okay I understand

I know I just completely broke Chyna heart but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. I put Mena and her friends first. They were in my life longer than Chyna and her family. So it is what it is.


I picked up my son from my aunt and and uncle house in North Carolina. When I got back I seen Rena was really gone. I put my son in his crib and I ran to my bedroom and lock the door. I broke down on the floor and cried. Nobody loved me and everyone I did love end up leaving me. Dyson tried to give me HIV, then cheated and left me for Brooke and Tori. Devin was dead, and Rena just left me. I just couldn't go on any more. All my sister's had someone that would never give up on them and I didn't. Nobody loved me. Even my own mom and dad bailed on me. I decided I couldn't go on. People were always leaving me and I couldn't handle being alone. I grabbed a pen and paper and wrote a note. I slipped the paper under the door and went inside my bathroom and lock the door. I went in my medicine cabinet and took every pill inside there. It didn't take long for it to kick in. My vision became blurry and I started losing my hearing as my son began to cry. I felt my body weaken and I drop to the floor. My body got weaker and weaker by the second and before I knew it I had took my final breath.

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