Chapter 10 A big showdown

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Chapter 10 A big showdown


It felt good to finally be out in the real world again. Me, Asia, and Malaysia managed to escape prison with the help of Molly. I really loved my wife. We ended up seeing Diamond walking down the street holding her neck. She has been stab the neck and she was slowly dying. Molly is friends with this girl name Marie they met in group home and we convince Marie to turn on Diamond. Marie also wanted revenge on her now ex wife Tee but Diamond did that work for us. We then got rid of Tee body. An so we didn't have to worry about her bitch coming after us we sent her text pretending to be Tee saying it was over and that she wasn't coming back. We did the same with her family and friends. Now we were waiting on Diamond to die. We were in a empty parking garage. We then seen a few cars speeding into the driveway. Out came London and a few other people. London eyes were felt with anger as it turned into a deep red color. I never seen her so pissed. She looked possessed and it was kind of scaring me. But I know Asia and Malaysia got her handle. After all London leg is broken so there isn't much she can do.


Diamond: London" she said in a low whisper voice

Malaysia: Awwww look who it is it's bubbles and her little rescue team


Asia: Nothing she was already dying when we found her in the street

Diamond: Danny London go I'll be fine" she said in a voice you could barely hear

Danny and London: No I'm not leaving without you

Diamond body was trying to give up on her from all the blood she was losing. She barely had any I injuries besides a few cuts and bruises. She made sure she had on a bullet proof vest and padding under her clothes before stalking and killing Tee. An no one still doesn't know about the padding under her clothes. Diamond used all her strength and stood to her feet. Everybody was looking at her and kind of scared. Everyone wonder why she hasn't bleed to death already.

Malaysia: I don't think this bitch is human

Just then London knock out Malaysia with one of her crutches. She used her leg the one that's not broken and kicked Asia right in the stomach. She did then quickly pulled out her knife from her back pocket and threw it Brandy. She hit it right in the exact same spot Diamond shot her years ago. Everyone started looking at London with a strange face.

London: Never underestimate what 5 foot 3 girl with a broken leg can really do

Just then Sapphire grew in rage and started beating up Brandy, Malaysia, and Asia at the same damn time. We ended up finding out why they killed Sapphire parents. Sapphire dad was having a affair with Duke and Brandy found out. Sapphire mom wasn't going to leave her husband even if she did cheat so she ended up killing them.

We all started hearing cop cars and we got away before the cops could see us. They all went back to jail however Molly, Marie, and May were still out there.

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