Chapter 5 Who's Next

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Chapter 5 Who's Next


Chyna and Rena were supposed to come over days ago. But according to Jacob who heard from his brother Richy who is married to Rena sister Mena that Rena and Chyna were separated and filing for divorce. No one has heard from Chyna in two weeks so me and Diamond decided to go check things out. When we got there the door was still unlocked. At that moment we knew there was something wrong because Chyna never leaves the door unlocked. We knew something was wrong and we took the elevator upstairs to Chyna floor. We then seen a paper outside of her bedroom door. I opened it up and read it.

Dear everyone I love and care about,

If you're reading this it means I'm dead now. I couldn't continue going on with life. Everyone I loves ends up leaving me. Rena choosing Tee and Mena over me was the last straw. London I want you to raise my son. I hope you and Diamond take good care of him. Diamond if you ever break London heart I will haunt you for the rest of your life. Paris I love you and I wish you nothing but happiness. I know you and Jacob are going to have a sexy baby. Austin and Dallas I love you guys keep your heads up and stay in school. I love all you guys and I'm sorry.

Love always

Chyna London Jones

At that point I felt my self having another heart attack. My sister killed herself because that bitch left her. Diamond called 911 and went to go check on Mitch who has been unconscious for days.


It was 5 in the afternoon and I was sleeping because I'm pregnant. I was disturbed from my nap by my phone ringing.

Paris: Hello

Guy: Is this Paris Jones

Paris: This is she who is calling

Guy: I work at Lakeview hospital and I have someone bad news. Your sister London suffered from a heart attack and your other sister Chyna passed away from what might be a drug overdose and we have her son who is currently in coma brought on by starvation and dehydration.

At that moment I felt my heart sink. London had another heart attack, my nephew is in coma and Chyna is dead. I quickly got dress and hopped in my car. I decided I would call Jacob when I get there. He wouldn't answer right now anyway because he is at work. As I was speeding down the highway my vision was blurred by my tears. I wiped it away and that's when I heard a car honk its horn. I tried to get out the way but I crashed into the other car. I wish I was wearing my seatbelt because I flew out my seat and crashed threw the window. I rolled off the hood of my car and hit the ground.


Camille was going into labor way too early. She was only 4 months pregnant and things were really intense. They said they needed to do some kind of surgery on her and one of them might not make it. I couldn't believe what I was hearing Camille was my everything I couldn't lose her. But I didn't wanna lose the baby either. I started thinking maybe this is my karma for stealing Camille away from Diamond. Diamond really loved her and I was jerk for doing that to my sister. I couldn't believe I let a girl ruin me and my sister relationship. I should have never let that happen. Things were definitely going to change after today. Today was just a very terrible day. On my way here I hit May with my car. Mitch didn't really seem to care but I felt really guilty.


I can't believe some asshole hit May with his car. Then he had the nerve to keep going. May was currently in surgery right now and they said things for her look really bad and she might not make it. Why was this happening to me. I never even got the chance to tell May that I was in love with her. I was planning on telling her on Valentine's day which is two weeks away. But the way everything was going May might not even make it to Valentine's day. My heart was hurting right now. I couldn't lose May I just couldn't. Things got even worse for me when I walked in the waiting room and I seen Tee for the first time in months. I pretended like I didn't notice her and made my way to Diamond and her friends and family.


I was at home getting ready for work when I got a call saying Titi was in the hospital. I quickly dropped what I was doing and went over there. Apparently some asshole shot her over some drugs. After that they robbed her and ran off. Who would do such a horrible thing? I been late to work a lot this week and my boss said if I came in let one more time I'm fired no excuses. I guess I was fired then because Titi is my wife and she comes first. I drove to the hospital in top speed but not before getting a speeding ticket by the cops. I grew even more angry when I got to the hospital because they said Titi chances of making it are slim. I was in complete shock as I walked in the waiting room and seen Marie sitting there.

Love, Danger, And Liesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن