just cuddles

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A/N hi :] this hasnt been updated since last may. sorry its short, Im gonna try and ease my way back into writing more romantic stuff

Fundy was bored. And tired. But mostly just bored. His boyfriend was out with his friends and Fundy was left alone in their house. He tried doing stuff he usually did when he was home alone but lost all motivation to do anything. So instead he was laying on the sofa trying to think of something, anything to do. Occasionally he felt his tail brush against his hand that was hanging off the side of the sofa but that was the only thing he felt. Usually he'd be happy to relax on the comfy sofa after a boring day but today just felt different.

Eventually he heard the door open and shuffling of shoes against the hardwood floor. His ears stuck up and seemed to follow the noise as it suddenly became softer as the person took off their shoes and started approaching him. A hand found its way into his hair and scratched behind his ear making his tail sway much faster than it had been for the past hour. He relaxes into the hand and felt his eyes close. The person giggled and soon the hand moved away. He frowned but kept his eyes shut. More shuffling much closer and soon there was heavy weight on him.

"Hey babe." Fundy finally opened his eyes and looked down at his boyfriend who had laid on top of him with his head resting on his chest. "Long day?" The fox hybrid softly smiled and nodded. "I'm sorry love." The blond moved again so his head rested in the crook of Fundy's neck. He placed a small kiss on the redheads jawline and relaxed back into the sofa. "Do you want me to order or cook tonight?" Fundy thought about it for a moment before wrapping his arms around his blond boyfriend.

"Can we just stay here and cuddle for a bit?" His boyfriend hummed and smiled. He let his arms drape to either side of Fundy and moved so they would be slightly more comfortable.

"Whatever you want."

"Thank you Dreamy." The couple basked in each others presence for a while, both needing a social recharge. After an hour or so Dream heard soft snoring below him and sighed. Fundy fell asleep. He tried to get up only to realize both of their cats were on his back. He sighed again in frustration and leaned back into his boyfriend touch. He's stuck there now. At least until the cats woke up. Maybe longer. He smiled and kissed Fundy's collarbone. He'll wait until his boyfriend wakes up.

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