Cuddles and a Salmon

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Dream set the plates down while his father in law cooked breakfast for the three. Well, soon to be father in law. Once he had finished he sat on one of the barstools and played a random game on his phone.

"Dream can you go wake up Fundy? He's been asleep all morning." He nodded and walked down the hall to their bedroom. He knocked on the door gently before walking in and seeing his fiance curled up in blankets watching a random movie on his phone. Dream walked over and sat on the bed, rubbing his arm.

"You okay?" Fundy just hummed. "What's wrong baby?" The fox boy pulled back the blankets to show himself wearing one of Dream's hoodies. "Did you leave your binder on all night again?" Fundy groaned and nodded. "Baby you need to remember to take it off. I don't want you hurting yourself."

"not just that..." Dream looked at Fundy confused before it clicked.

"Oh. Hey hey, it's alright. But Wilbur wanted us to have breakfast with him since it's his day off. Do you think you can manage that?" It took a moment before Fundy nodded and sat up. "Okay, I'll be out there."

He left the room and sat back down at the kitchen island. Wilbur set a plate of french toast in the center and looked at him. "Is he alright?"

"He can't wear his binder and it's that time of the month." Wilbur frowned and looked towards the hallway. He shook his head and turned around to grab the syrup from a cabinet.

Fundy walked out wearing Dream's hoodie and a random pair of jeans. He sat next to the blond and tried to make his chest appear flat. His father sat on the other side of him and they started eating breakfast.

"I'm going shopping in a bit, do you guys need anything?"

"I want pizza rolls." Fundy mumbled.

"I'm fine." Wilbur nodded and added pizza rolls to the shopping list.

Fundy stopped eating halfway through his second piece, suddenly losing his appetite, and poked at the rest with his fork for a bit. Eventually the other two noticed and started encouraging him to finish. After realizing he wasn't going to give in Wilbur grabbed his plate. He threw the food away and set the plate next to the sink. He pulled out his phone and typed something.

"I'm gonna go, Tommy needs me for something so I'm going to Phil's house before the shops. I think your mother was planning on visiting today so please be ready for her. I'll be back in a bit. Love you son."

"Love you dad." Wilbur walked out of the house leaving the two alone for a bit.

Dream finished eating and placed his plate by the sink. Fundy pulled out his phone and continued the movie he was watching. Dream placed a small kiss on his head and went into their room gathering their blankets and bedsheets to start the laundry. Afterwards he gathered the extra blankets from the hall closet and brought them to the sofa. He grabbed his laptop from the desk in their room and also brought that out.

He quickly built a pillow fort and threw pillows he found around the house on the floor. He grabbed flashlights and snacks and placed them inside the fort. Once he deemed it suitable he went back to where he had left his boyfriend and hugged him from behind.

Fundy groaned and tried wiggling away from the hug but Dream kept his grasp around the smaller boys shoulders. The fox eventually gave up and let the blond hang on him.

"Whatcha watching?"

"What Happened To Monday" Dream hummed and watched a few minutes of the movie before remembering why he had come to get Fundy.

"Babe, let's watch this in the living room. I got the laptop out there." Fundy nodded and was led into the room. They crawled into the pillow fort and Dream wrapped a blanket around the both of them while Fundy clicked onto Netflix and played the movie.

A bit after the movie ended they turned off the laptop and cuddled for a bit. Dream rested his head in Fundy's lap taking advantage of how calm and happy he seemed. The fox boy went on a rant about something that interested him. Although it didn't make any sense to Dream, he listened. He wanted Fundy to be happy. They heard a knocking at the door. Fundy stood crawled out of fort and went to open it.

"There's my favorite man. How are you hun?" Sally pulled him into a hug and kissed his cheek. He smiled and let her in. "Is Wil here or did he bail out like he always does?"

"Tommy messaged him during breakfast and y'know how he is." She nodded and walked out to the living room seeing the fort.

"What's this? You build this?" Fundy shook his head and crawled into it. He paused the show and pulled Dream out.

"You remember Dream, right?" She nodded and pulled the blond into a hug. They sat on the sofa and talked for a bit.

"I'll be right back." He stood up and walked to his room. Sally turned to Dream.

"No binder today? I paid a lot of money for those."

"Fell asleep in it again. I had him leave it off all morning." She hummed and noticed the ring on his finger. Dream saw her staring at it and smiled. "He proposed last month. We're getting married in spring hopefully." She smiled and looked back at where Fundy went.

"You're good for him. He's used to people leaving him, you didn't. Why have you stayed around this long?" Dream looked at her worried and confused.

"I love him. I was in a bad relationship before he found me and I don't want the same thing to happen to him. He deserves the world and I want to be the one to give it to him." Sally smiled and nodded. They changed the conversation until Fundy came back. Dream laid his head on Fundy's now flatter chest and smiled. The fox boy rolled his eyes and laughed. They talked with Sally and watched another movie until she had to go.

Dream took down the fort while Fundy went into their room and covered himself in the warm blankets. The blond walked in and laughed.

"Shut up. I feel drained of everything and dont want to do anything."

"Aww don't even wanna cuddle me?" Fundy stayed silent for a moment before grabbing towards the other still in the doorway. He laughed and laid on the side of the bed closer to the wall. Fundy turned around to face him and smiled. Dream smiled back. "Wanna know something Sally told me?"

"Oh god what did my mother tell you."

"The chemical going through your body right now is testosterone so you're more man than anyone else right now." Fundy laughed and shook his head.

"You're ridiculous."

"But you love me."


A/N me: writes tubbo is a couples counselor as a cute joke
comments: dream is a lying bitch
me: ok :D
lol not mad i just think its funny i havent written actual angst yet

fundywastaken oneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang