Skipping Class

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~~Dream's POV~~

I looked down at the worksheet the teacher passed out and sighed. School is tiring. I need a break. What's my next class? I can miss programming today.

I waited for the bell to ring and ran out of the class. I got to my locker and grabbed my bag and skateboard. I walked through the crowded hall and to the doors to the football field. The football team was practicing so I had to be careful but I eventually made it off of the school grounds. I rode around the town aimlessly until I got to the arcade. This seems like a good spot to hang out until school gets out.

There isn't much people here. A few workers, some kids with their parents, a few other teenagers probably skipping class as well. I went to the machine and bought some tokens. I walked around the arcade for a minute before stopping at pacman.

I played random games for a bit until I got to Dance Dance Revolution. I'm not going to lie and say I'm the best at this game, far from it actually. But it's fun and my siblings aren't here to tease me for missing some steps. I put in a token and chose a random song.

"You're really bad at this." Someone said from behind me after I finished. I turned and saw some random redhead. He was kind of cute if I'm being honest.

"I'd like to see you do better." He laughed and walked up beside me. We both put in a token and he chose a song.

He won. By a lot.

He looked at me with the most smug look imaginable. "I'm on the leader board. Behind Tubbo, I think he cheated. He won't admit it though." He pointed at the screen while the leader board popped up.

"Furry?" He nodded.

"I was hanging out with Tommy that day and he put the name while I was getting the tickets. I hate him."

I laughed. Sounds like a stupid kid. "My names Dream."

"Dream? Cool.

"Nickname, actually, but everybody calls me it so it might as well just be my name." I laughed and scratched the back of my head. "You want pizza or something? I mean, you beat me so I guess that can be your prize."

"Sure." We walked over to the consession stand and ordered some pizza. We sat at one of the booths and talked for a bit. I learned he's the same age as me, lives with his friends family, and goes to the same school as me.

"That means we're both skipping class. What class did you leave?" He asked.

"Programming. I'd usually go but lately school has just been too much for me so I skipped." I shrugged and took a bite of my pizza.

"Holy shit. Same. I already know most of the stuff they teach in that class. How come I never noticed you before?" I shrugged again. "Hey schools about to end so I gotta get home. Wanna hang out tomorrow?" I nodded and stood up. We parted ways and I realized I dont actually know his name.

The next day I left after lunch. I went back to the arcade and avoided playing that dancing game again. I was in the middle of some racing game when someone came behind me and scared me. I quickly turned around and stood in a defensive position.

"What the fuck! Don't do that!" I looked back at the game and saw I crashed into a tree. "Dammit."

"Sorry dude. You wanna get some pizza and go to the skate park? I'll pay this time."

"Sure. Lemme get something with my tickets first." He went to order a pizza while I looked at the prizes. "The mask." I smiled as the person grabbed the smiley face mask from the shelf and handed it to me. I still had some tickets left to I looked for something else. I saw little clip-on fox ears and smirked.

He was sitting at a table playing on his phone so I snuck up behind him like he did to me. He turned around and let out a high pitched scream. I burst out laughing and sat across from him.

"Dude! That mask is creepy."

"Payback for making me loose that race. Now tilt your head, I got something for you to." He rolled his eyes and tilted his head. He felt clamps being attached to his hair and looked back up when Dream stopped. He saw him trying to hold back a laugh and felt the top of his head.

"Really? Ears?" Dream nodded and burst out in a fit of laughter. "You're a bitch."

"And you're a furry."

A worker came and put the pizza in front of them. While they were walking out of the arcade Dream looked at him.

"Hey, I never got your name."

"Really? Thought I said it yesterday." He shrugged. "It's Fundy. Fundy Soot." Dream muttered the name under his breath a few times and smiled, sticking out his hand.

"Clay Halo."

A/N i wish this was longer :( i've had literally no time to write until today

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