Chapter 1- Nevaeh

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~ Bullshits of life ~
•Chapter 1•

Many secrets and lies exist within the depths of our hearts. They are not born out of selfishness, but rather selflessness, to shield others from the painful truths. As for me, I'm acquainted with lies not by choice, but by necessity.

Lying is never an admirable trait, but when life hangs in the balance, one must make difficult decisions. In my case, death seemed like the preferred choice, for this world has become a wretched place. Yet, even Satan didn't deem me worthy, and God turned His back on me long ago. Thus, I was left with no alternative but to embrace life.

Whenever I face a brush with death, I instinctively run towards the light, only to find that, like my exes, it eludes me. Unanswered questions abound in this world—some astoundingly brilliant, while others are utter nonsense.

"Love is bullshit, and so is school," I declare, locking eyes with a 12-year-old girl who stares at me, her lollipop slowly dissolving in her mouth. I rise, gathering my belongings, and make my way towards the bus that has just arrived.

With a wave to CJ, the bus driver, I retreat to the back of the bus. May the Lord have mercy on my soul, for I find myself wishing for death and misfortune upon anyone who dares cross my path.

I assure you, I am generally a nice person. It's just that my ex-best friend decided to sever ties with me, claiming she never truly liked me. Her betrayal shattered my world, for she possessed intimate knowledge about me. Likewise, I held secrets about her, but even if she were to expose them, I would refrain from reciprocating such cruelty. It would be wrong and utterly meaningless. Revenge may offer temporary solace, but I have faith that karma will intervene.

Am I worried? Not particularly. I haven't revealed anything that would cause me distress if exposed. One might say I talk excessively, despite my attempts to rein in my words. I often berate myself for rambling about matters that likely don't interest anyone. Controlling my loquacity proves challenging.

As a child, I yearned for love from my parents. I used to share every detail of my day with them, but they never truly listened, always claiming to be busy. The irony lay in the fact that, within five minutes, they would approach my older brother, inquiring about his day. Once my father's business flourished, so did their neglect. They embarked on business trips and vacations, scarcely returning home, except for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

My brother left when he turned eighteen, moving into an apartment near his college, four hours away from our house. My parents footed the bill, resulting in my solitude—a loner child with a barren life and a collection of romance novels.

"We've arrived, kid. Time to get off," CJ's voice interrupts my thoughts, and I notice that the bus is now empty. I offer a nod of gratitude to CJ before disembarking. My high school appears somewhat ordinary, with occasional fights but without the stereotypical jock hierarchy portrayed in books or on TV.

Here, the jocks are genuinely kind, respecting girls thanks to Kades. He's the star football player who earns the admiration of many. However, most girls respect his boundaries, aware that he treasures his girlfriend too much to be unfaithful. Their love transcends the clichés of cheerleader-football player romance, although I find it somewhat nauseating.

I proceed to my first class, only to collide with an immovable object, his piercing blue eyes captivating my attention. In that moment, I realize he is the love of my life. We locked lips, engaged in passionate embraces, raised a family, and eventually tied the knot. Cue the inevitable eye roll.

"Apologies, I didn't see you there," I offered, flashing a friendly smile at the person I unintentionally collided with, before continuing on my way to class.

"Hey, wait up!" called out the individual, hastening to catch up with me.

I pivoted to find myself face to face with a girl, returning her smile and inquiring if she needed assistance.

"Um, I'm new here and I'm not sure where to find Mr. Snuzcher," she explained, causing me to chuckle at her mispronunciation of the teacher's name. It must be tough moving to a new school in the middle of the academic year.

"It's pronounced Snooze-she, not snitcher, and I'm heading to his class too. Come with me," I suggested, leading the way towards Mr. Snuzcher's classroom.

Upon entering, I greeted the bald-headed man with a smile and added, "Nice hair, baldy. It's getting shinier by the day," provoking a burst of laughter from the students as Mr. Snuzcher appeared on the verge of exploding.

Taking my seat, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction as Mr. Snuzcher erupted into a fit of laughter. "That—That has to be the best one I've heard in a long time, Eva!" he exclaimed.

Returning his smile, I settled into my spot at the back of the room, making room for the new girl to sit beside me.

"He seems like a friendly teacher," she observed.

"He's the only friendly one," I replied, cringing at the memories of the countless times I had been given detention for daring to explain to a teacher that I couldn't control my bodily functions. Seriously, did they expect me to adhere to a pee schedule?

A/n: this is the first chapter I hope you guys enjoy!

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