IV - Great War

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Narrator POV

Steven finished putting all his new stuff in his room.

He hung his Doctor of Psychology doctorate above his desk, on which now rested a plethora of new items.

One such item were his dogtags, which he had put in a glass case. A few miscellaneous medals from the war also sat neatly to one side, a temporary resting place until he could find another case to put them in.

The Gems, more specifically Amethyst were interested in his service. Today was the day Steven was going to reveal most of his service. Some things were a bit too painful for the moment however.

A knock is heard on his door as he sits on his bed, leaning back with his hands behind his head.

"Come on in, get comfy. I've got a lot to tell" Steven said in a louder than usual tone of voice.

The door opened, revealing the crystal gems.

Amethyst joined Steven on the bed, resting perpendicular to him. Her head resting on his legs.

Garnet pulled two chairs from Steven's recently sat up chess table and sat down in one, prompting Pearl to sit in the other.

"So Steve-man, what'd you do while you were gone" Amethyst asks.

Steven clears his throat before speaking.

"Well, a lot. Not all of it I'm proud of if I'm being entirely honest" Steven began.

"I joined a medical coalition at Eighteen, a war broke out and I was drafted that same year. Made it to the rank of colonel and retired after four years of service. Only made it to that high of a rank due to my gem, hardwork, and a few too many field promotions" Steven continues.

"Fought in most of the crucial battles of the war, saw some serious stuff. Saw some good too though, the pure camaraderie among both my troops and opposing forces was a warming sight" Steven adds.

"Got a few medals; purple hearts, bronze stars, a medal of honor. Some decent stuff. None of that mattered though. I was just trying to help folks" Steven continues.

"That's what landed me in a P.O.W camp with...with the she devil that was the Commander of the opposing forces in my theater of war" Steven continued.

"Now, this was in year one, so I wasn't as big as I am now. That she devil used that to her advantage, she used me. Every damn night" Steven said as he clenched his teeth.

"Eventually, I got a couple of guys together and we fought back. I put a round right between the she-devils eyes. They looked the same though, just pure evil ya know" Steven rhetorically asked.

"Anyway, after the war I went to college, and grad school. Got my doctorate, and came home" Steven finished.

Garnet was as stoic as usual, but Pearl and Amethyst were of an unusual demeanor.

Amethyst was somewhere between sad and furious, and Pearl looked somewhat pleased though it was masked by a look of horror.

"I'm glad you were able to overcome your obstacles and come out on top Steven" Pearl finally said.

"Stupid human wars..taking away my little guy" Amethyst said under her breath, hoping noone would hear her.

Despite her best efforts, everyone heard it. Though they all played it cool, acting as though they didn't hear anything.

"Any questions or anything" Steven asks.

"What do you mean by she used you, I'm not quite familiar with the term. It didn't sound good, but I.." Pearl begins before being cut off by Amethyst.

"She assaulted him in that way P, for Diamond's sake use context clues" Amethyst borderline shouted.

"O..oh" Pearl spoke as Steven nodded.

Pearl broke down a bit, rushing to Steven's bed and hugging him and apologizing profusely.

"It's fine Pearl, she paid her dues" Steven responds, his stoic tone fading a bit.

Steven gets up after a while, reaching for a small box on the surface of his desk.

He grips it thoroughly, before bringing it into view of the Gems. The box appears to be made of a sturdy stained oak.

He opens the box, revealing a small key.

"This was the key to my old Dondai. Only have it because I had it in my pocket when I found it was stolen" Steven says.

"Bad luck man" Amethyst speaks.

"Nah, I outgrew it. Wanted to give it back to dad though" Steven responds.

"I'm sure he'll understand Steven" Garnet says before getting up, ruffling Steven's hair.

With Garnet's exit of the room, the others joined her. Leaving Steven all alone, with noone but his thoughts.


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