CH4: Birthday Party

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Today is their birthday.

Everyone get ready for it.

Mabel forgets what happen between her and dipper.

Dipper POV :) (↑wtf. How did she forget about it -Wind :) )

All: Happy birth 17th day!

Everyone gives gifts to her. Not me.

Well it is easy to run but...

Dipper: Ha everyone loves her.

Everyone is enjoying the birthday party.

I look around go outside silently.

???: Where is dipper...?

---- POV 

I'll bring my brothers back today.

He is seventeen now.

His power will be...

I laugh silently.

???: Just wait brother...

 Dipper POV

The moon is bright.

I smile sadly.

Dipper: ...I'm finally seventeen...

My brothers....they will come back.

Dipper: ....Right?

I go back to The Mystery Shack.

I open the door and Ford, Stan and Mabel is standing up in front of me.

Wendy and the others are watching us.

 Ford: Where were you?

Dipper: outside.

Ford: During a birthday party?

Dipper: Why can't i go?

Mabel: It's our birthday! It's a big event for "us"!

Dipper: Not for me.

Stan: ...Do you have problems with you?

Dipper: Yes.

Ford: You know bill.

Dipper: No.

If I tell him the truth, he's gonna do something to me.

Ford: You are meeting with Bill.

Dipper: no.

Well not today so I'm not lying.

Ford: ...You are lying.

Dipper: How do you know? I'm not talking his deal at all.

Ford: How do you about it?


He's so smarter than I thought. (lol)

Dipper: ...Can I go to my room?

Ford: No.

Dipper: Can I?

Ford: NO.

Dipper: PLEASE?

Ford: NO!


My eyes turn into green.

Stan: eyes are like Bill...


Dipper: If you excuse me, I'll go to my room!

I run into my room and lock.



My eyes are normal again...

Dipper: Bill....Please help me...brothers....

Bill: Did you call me pinetree?

Dipper: What-

The time isn't stopping.

Dipper: ...Can you-do you know who is William cipher?

Bill looks surprise.

Bill: How-how do you know my-

Ford: Open the door! I want to help you!


Bill: Well I can ask you later. Wanna run?

Dipper: Do you have place to run?

Bill: Yes.

Dipper: Can you tell me? I can just teleport.

Bill: Really?

I look at the door.

The hell no.

Dipper: ...Can you teleport?

Bill: Of course.

I think about them.

The door is breaking little by little.

Bill: Hold my hands!

I hold his hand at the same time, the door break down.

Bill laughs and we disappears.

Ford POV

I know he is hiding something.

Dipper: ...Can I go to my room?

Ford: No.

Dipper: Can I?

Ford: NO.

Dipper: PLEASE?

Ford: NO!


His eyes turns into green.

Stan: eyes are like Bill...

The only difference is yellow part is green.

Dipper: If you excuse me, I'll go to my room!

He run into his room.

I try to open the room but it's locked.


Stan: What happen to his eyes?

Green eyes...bill cipher...

I know something or someone like that but I can't remember the name...

Ford: Cipher.....Dream demon...

Mabel: What happened to Dipper?

She asked me.

Ford: I don't know but I think Bill is possessing him.

Stan: We have to save him!

Ford: I know and I know how so we just need dipper to come out.

We plan and look a the door.

Ford: Open the door! I want to help you!

I knock the door but it doesn't open.

Stan: We will break the door.

I nod and we push the door together.

When the door breaks, we heard bill's laugh.

And next moments, dipper and bill were gone.

Ford: Shit!

Mabel: Maybe they are in the forest...

Ford: Let's search him.

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