His gaze sweeps over me, looking relatively pleased with whatever he sees. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm managing," I murmur, ignoring the way Eyla nudges my foot with hers under the covers. She will not be satisfied until she has embarrassed me to the point I can only pray the cold takes me.

He stalks around the bed. "You look far healthier."

Admittedly, I feel healthier. It's like I've been dipped back into a pool of immortality, feeling far closer to my older self than before. Were it not for the cold, I'd be racing around the mountain like before.

"I am, I think."

He stands back, folding his arms over his chest. "Maybe try standing, see if you can walk around."

"Eyla, could you help?" I ask my friend, edging toward the bed.

Instead of grabbing my arm to aid me, she scrambles off the bed, dragging her gaze toward the Pureblood. "Hale, you're far stronger."

I glare at my friend with her smug expression. Transparent bitch.

Hale doesn't hesitate, taking Eyla's place at the edge of the bed, encouraging me closer. Reluctantly, I allow his arm to wind around my waist, my weight bracing against his firm stature as he helps me stand.

It's difficult, to will my body to obey my mental commands, legs trembling beneath me. Hale is unmoving as he keeps me standing, gloved hand pressing into my side distractingly.

"Careful with your hands," I murmur lowly, swaying unevenly.

Hale turns his head, lips right by my ear. "I'm not going to throw you onto this bed and take advantage of you, Vaela."

Maybe it's because he's so close, and I can feel his breath against my face, but images of exactly what that would look like flash invasively into my mind. What is wrong with me?

I clear my throat. "I think I can stand by myself."

Hale steps away an inch, hands gliding down my arms as he helps steady me. Once he's satisfied that I am capable of standing without assistance, he steps away, gaze still tracking me intently.

Regardless of whether I look stupid or not, I balance my arms out, willing my knees not to buckle.

"It's because of the magic pool," Hale says suddenly.

I stare at a spot on the wall, concentrating on my balance. "Huh?"

"The pool. It runs through this mountain, leaving traces of it's magic everywhere. You're back in it's presence now, that's why you're feeling better," he murmurs.

I gape at him, as he shrugs. "That's my guess, anyway."

"So you're saying I can never leave here?" I'm stunned. The thought of being imprisoned in this cave for the rest of my mortal life is horrifying. But so is facing what I felt back home, that nearly killed me.

"You were never going to leave that small home down there either. Here, you will be safe." he looks toward Eyla, who appears just as shocked as I am.

My chest constricts as anxiety seizes me. "I don't want to be safe. I want to be free."

It seemed obvious that I wouldn't be leaving here anytime soon once Hale came back for me, but there is something different about being told it. I've spent so many years free, and now reality is crushing down upon me. I'm trapped.

"There's nothing free in death," Hale reminds me.

My balance wavers, but before I can topple to the ground in shock and horror, Hale is right beside me again, gripping my arm as he guides me gentle back to the bed.

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