#015 Amusement Park Part 2

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heyy!! omg it feels like it's been forever..
yalls comments had me SCREAMING 😭 so I decided to rise from the dead to make another chapter even tho I hate this entire book but y'know what we're gonna work with it💀 I feel like there's no hope left for this book so i'm going to make a new one with a diff character that has better writing.. gojo perhaps? 👀 bc this story was not it whatsoever 😭 tysm for reading ily.

lowkey don't remember the plot since this story is all over the place, so y'know just pretend the past didn't happen☠️ after this chapter i might make the last chapter to end it, and then make a completely new book. sorry if the writing is different!

⚠️ slight nsfw

everyone finally arrived to the amusement park. you honestly don't remember a single thing that happened during the car ride since you fell asleep the moment you sat in the car.

you woke to see your head laying on bakugo's shoulder, him not knowing you were awake. you raised an eyebrow, confused as to why he didn't push you off or have a fit.

you cleared your throat. he looked down at you nonchalantly. you could see every detail in his red eyes in the sun. it felt mesmerizing. "enough staring?" he laughed, his voice quieter than usual. probably so only you could hear. you started to say a snarky remark, but instead said something else. "nah, i wanna stare longer."

he seemed taken aback, but smirked. "too bad. we're here."

he pointed out the window, and you could see the amazing view. the water park, rollercoasters, food stations; it was beautiful. not like anything you've ever seen. sure, it had the basics of any other theme park, but.. actually, on second thought, maybe it was just the expensiveness talking.

"wow, that's exciting," you said, covering your eyes from being blinded by the sun. "you don't sound too excited, y/n..." denki laughed. "i am! i'm just still.. asleep i guess," you retorted. "or are you still mad you don't get to stare at me?" bakugo laughed. you gave him a death glare, and he stared at you for a moment. he moved closer to you, and stopped at your ear.

"your hand is on my chest," he whispered, his voice deep and oddly calm. you immediately looked down, and saw your hand planted on his abs. he was wearing a halfway unbuttoned shirt, and you were clueless as to how you didn't notice before.

"asshole, why didn't you tell me sooner?" you quickly moved your hand away; punching him in the shoulder. all he did was laugh. you rolled your eyes, and he glared at you.

momo parked the car, and clicked a button that made the trunk lid open by itself. "i can't wait to ride the rollercoasters!" momo and mina squealed. i can't wait to ride this d- "y/n?"

"huh?" you looked up. "we were asking which ride you're most excited for," mina raised an eyebrow. you burst out laughing at your own self. they looked at you like you were crazy. "sorry- laughing at my own joke. but in all seriousness, i don't really care; i'm just going to follow y'all around,"

"whatever you say..." mina shook her head and exited the car. everyone followed, and grabbed their things from the trunk; extra clothes, towels, sunscreen, all of that. you didn't know if you needed much, but you were the only one who brought a whole bag of things. better to be safe than sorry.

everyone walked to the front gate to check in. as you were walking, bakugo trailed behind to walk beside you. "what do you want?" you asked, rolling your eyes. "nothing idiot. just checking if you need help." he stared at you. "i don't need anything, thanks."you rolled your eyes at him again. it was silent for a moment. "y/n..." he said, voice deep like before. "what?" you questioned. "do you need a reason to roll those eyes?"

you didn't know what to say to that; so you decided to play along. "and what reason would that be, katsuki?" he glared at you, his face showing a look he's never given you before. a look filled with lust. "did you just call me katsuki?" he asked after awhile. "you didn't answer my question." you stated. he opened his mouth to speak, but got interrupted by kirishima and sero yelling at them to catch up.

both of you looked at each other again, not saying anything this time. you ran up to the group. "okay so before we check in, everyone needs to get out their phones to see the text i sent you. it shows the qr code entrance ticket that allows you to get past the gate. just hold your phone up to the scanner and it should go through automatically," momo instructed. everyone nodded, taking out their phones and finding the qr code. everyone checked in, and purchased lockers at the locker rooms to put their things in.


the group stayed there all day having fun on the various attractions. it was almost time to leave, so they decided to go on the ferris wheel for the last ride.


10:45 PM

the group waited in line to get on the ferris wheel. they were about to get on, so mina, momo, and  jirou were talking about who should sit with who. "y/n, you're sitting with me!" mina exclaimed. "of course i am," you started to roll your eyes again, but remembered what katsuki said earlier. you shivered at the thought; it's honestly something you wanted a lot but would never admit.

it was soon everyone's turn. you and mina were about to sit in the first car, until katsuki stepped in front of you. mina jumped back in shock. "jumpscare warning?" you laughed. "fuck you." katsuki flipped you off. "anyway. mina, i need to talk to y/n; so can i sit with her?" he crossed his arms. mina raised an eyebrow and averted her gaze from katsuki to you. she then smiled a little, and nodded. "of course! i don't mind." mina winked at you before walking away.

you glared at her and sighed. both you and katsuki sat in the car. you waited until the ferris wheel started to move to speak. "so what did you want to talk about?" "...nothing. i just wanted an excuse." he smirked, staring at the view. you punched him in the shoulder.

it was quiet again. "what is up with you lately?" you asked him. "nothing? i just.. wanted to spend time with you, idiot." he sighed. "really? i thought you were joking this entire time," you laughed. he just nodded. you guessed he didn't know what else to say, and neither did you.

the wind started to blow harshly, and it started to get colder. you had no idea it was going to get this cold, especially since it was hot in the morning. you started to shiver. "shit, i didn't get a chance to change," you rubbed your arms. "c'mere," katsuki beckoned. you moved closer to him; laying on his chest and instantly felt warmth.

"are you.. sniffing my chest?" he laughed. "shut the hell up," you flipped him off. katsuki tilted your head up to face him. "did i ever tell you how pretty your eyes are?" he asked you. "mine? you should see yours, i'm jealous." you laughed, soon staring into his eyes again.

your face was inches away from his; both of you feeling the tension. "can i?" katsuki whispered. "of course," you said, holding the hand that held your face. you closed your eyes as he leaned in close, your lips touching. his lips were soft, and immediately comforting. you combed your fingers through his hair as you felt his breath beneath your nose. warmth consumed you as your bodies pressed together.

you shifted your legs, straddling katsuki. you felt his fingers trail up your legs; not breaking from the kiss. he rubbed your now wet panties from under your skirt. you moaned slightly; covering your mouth. you opened your eyes to see that you were at the top of the ferris wheel.

"katsuki, we have to stop," you groaned slightly as he kissed all over your neck. he did so, seeming unhappy. but you were not about to let hundreds of people see that—if they hadn't seen it already.

you were almost on your way down. you couldn't believe that happened, and you also didn't want it to end. "stay at my dorm tonight," you said, staring at the ground. you weren't looking at him, but you could almost feel the smirk he had. "don't get too excited."

1467 words

omg. it's currently 3 am as i'm finishing this LMAOO... anyways last chapter should come out soon. i know i'm always like "next chapter coming out soon guys 🙈" and then leave for like a year LMAOO but i promise i won't do y'all like that again,, 😔

tysm once again i hope u enjoyed

byee!! have a great day/night <3

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