#004 Understanding

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"You ignore me all damn day and now want me to trust you?" You say, irritated. He moves away from you, and sighs.  "Can you elaborate? Like, I still do not understand." You say. "Fine! I just knew that he was going to do something to you." He said, looking down. "well, I'd only talked to him for about 5 seconds before you came and barged in." You replied. "On second thought, why would you even care?" "Listen, I was only ignoring you because that was what you wanted." He mumbled. "How was that what I had wanted? I walked up to you and you didn't answer." You said. "You told me to leave you alone when we were walking to school?" He said. "I was just mad. I didn't mean leave me alone for LIFE." You said.

"Whatever, I really don't want to talk about it more. Can we just be cool now?" He asked. You looked him in the eyes for a little while, and just pushed him out of the way. You honestly didn't know what to say to him, but you did have a lot of questions you needed answers to. You walked back over to your table and saw Mina sitting down in front of your food.

"Y/n? Where the heck did you go?" She said. "HECK?" You laughed, as you moved your chair over and sat down. "Girl leave me alone." She face palmed. "Anyways, I'm not quite sure what happened to be honest, it was all hard to process." You start to say. "This dude with purple hair came over to me- already forgot his name uh. Anyways, Bakugou just pushed me out the way I guess and was talking about some 'tRusT mE yN' what is this a fanfiction?" You said. Mina stared at you for a moment like:

"Yeah you're going to need to break that whole thing down for me

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"Yeah you're going to need to break that whole thing down for me." She said. You both burst out laughing and you continued to tell the story, but most of the time just mocking Bakugou, because uh why not?

After some time, you and Mina actually had a lot of fun talking, and you almost forgot about all that drama happening. "Ooh, remember that time you and Uraraka were fighting during training?" Mina said, taking a sip out of her drink. You scoffed. "Yeah." You replied. "Why didn't you just, like you know, beat her ass?" Mina said. "Bro if I knew I wouldn't get expelled for defending myself I WOULD have. Isn't she broke tho?" You laughed. "That's understandable. And yeah, she is. Did you know that bitch rides her dusty ass bike to school? It's not even her bike she stole it." Mina said, crossing her arms and leaning back in her chair.

You nearly spat out your drink laughing. "WHAT??" You yelled. "GIRL I AM FOR REAL. AND SHE HAS THAT OLD ASS BROKEN ASS FLIP PHONE TOO." She said, banging on the table. Y'all were causing a whole scene, but they just shrugged it off. You both continued to talk shit about uraraka, and in the corner of your eye you noticed Bakugou staring the shit out of you from the same chair he was originally at. "Girl. Don't turn around but Bakugou is literally staring at my soul." You said. Mina laughed and face palmed. "hold on why is it lowkey kinda hot tho?" You laughed, taking a bite of your food. "GIRL WHAAT?" Mina said. "I would laugh but my face and stomach hurt from laughing so much😩" You said. "Yeah- same. We should probs get to the rest of the group now tho." She said. You agreed and threw out the rest of your food. You cleaned the table and took your drink with you, because you weren't finished with it yet.

You threw your jacket on and Mina threw on hers. You grabbed your drinks and walked over to the rest of the group, who were putting their regular shoes on and taking their skates off. "Hi y'all. Y/n is officially my bestie now." Mina said, throwing her arm around your shoulder. You laughed. "Aw man😔" Sero and Kirishima said.

After everyone was done, you guys walked to the front entrance and looked out the door. "Its raining!"  Kirishima yelled. "Thanks for pointing out the obvious." Jirou replied. "I don't know about y'all but I am NOT getting my hair soaked. Look how hard it's going down!" Mina said. "Harder than me?" Kirshima said. "What the hell did you just say? 😃⁉️" Mina replied. "I remember just earlier your ass legit said 'where the heck were you?'" You laughed. "I was talking about my quirk what. you get the joke right? harden? haha." Kirishima said. "Bro you could have worded that COMPLETELY different 😭" Sero replied. Kirshima shrugged. "Mk, so I have an umbrella with me, does anyone else have an umbrella?" Jirou said.

"I still don't get how people have umbrellas with them everywhere we go." Sero shrugged. "Maybe I want to be prepared for the weather?" Jirou face palmed. "Yeah but that's what the weather app is for tf" Bakugou said.  You and Mina looked at each other. 'Not him finally talking😩' you thought. "Sucks to be uraraka then. Cant be doing nothing on that flip phone of hers." Mina said, breaking down laughing once again. "you really hate her, huh." You replied, shaking your head. Honestly you did too because she literally tried to fight you. "Sorry she's just so hilarious to make fun of. I would feel bad but she does deserve it." Mina said, wiping a tear. "I have an umbrella. If you guys care." Bakugou said, rolling his eyes.

"Since no one else has one, I guess we have two umbrellas." Jirou says. "Bro I don't really care about umbrellas. I'll meet you guys back at the car." Sero laughed, and ran outside to the parking lot. "That motherfucker is CRAZY. I literally just saw lightening." Mina said. "Hold on we literally have quirks why are we scared to go outside in the rain✋" Jirou said.

You guys stared at each other for a moment. Yeah she was right but😭

"I'll share my umbrella with y/n." Bakugou said. You were about to say something when Mina pushed you guys together. "Okay!" She said, with a huge smile. As you both started walking you flipped her off and you heard her laugh from behind. You crossed your arms and stayed under the umbrella. You walked in silence for a while. 'damn why the hell did he park so far?' You thought. "Hey, um. Why are you acting so weird all of a sudden?" You asked, trying to make small talk. "I'm just not in the mood today." He replied. "Why? Is it because of me?" You looked down. You really did want to have a normal conversation, but there was a lot you didn't understand. He sighed and looked down. You stopped in your tracks. He turned and locked eyes with you. You were trying had to think of something to say. "I just- I'm just sorry for lashing out on you earlier. All the times and events that happened between us before, I want to forget. The uraraka situation made me very uncomfortable and I'm sorry I took it out on you." You said.

He stared at you for a moment, and then looked down once again. "Yeah, i'm sorry too. About that whole thing where I said I would date you. I was just playing around." He said. "YOU WERE JOKING ABOUT THAT?" You yelled. "UH- YEAH? PFFT- DID YOU THINK I WAS SERIOUS?" He yelled back. "I WAS WORRIED ABOUT THAT. YOUR ASS WAS LIKE 'giVe mE oNe wEeK' BYE" You laughed, yelling.

When you made it to the car, Jirou put some music on and the heater on. You just stared outside the window, thinking about how calm you felt now that everything was clearing up. Also, you absolutely loved looking outside and seeing the view. You didn't know why, but it was honestly so distracting since it was so nice to look at.

'Maybe we're cool now.'

1362 words

aaa thanks for being patient with me this chapter. hope you liked it !! next one coming soon

also i suck at titles so i'm just doing random stuff at this point 😭

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