"I'm sure that's all anyone has told you your whole life," Ace says, careful not to feed into whatever Jasper was playing at. "I don't think you need to hear it again."

"I don't care about what anyone else thinks," Jasper snapped. "I want to hear it from you."

"Why?" Ace vexed. "Somehow I doubt you need a confidence boost."

"You're deflecting," Jasper retorted. "Just answer the question."

"Fine," Ace exasperated. "No. The answer is no."


"Oh sorry, I forgot I must be the first person to ever tell you that, my bad."

"Can you not be sarcastic for once?" Jasper snipped. "And just say what you feel?"

"I just told you how I feel," Ace swished the drink around in his cup before taking a sip. He grimaced slightly at the taste. "I'm not attracted to you, Jasper."

Jasper watched as Ace poured out the drink and set the cup down. His eyes followed the guard's every move with intent eyes.


"So if you're done with your cryptic requests, I need a real drink."

"Oh, so you can go to the bar, and I can't?"

"Maybe learn how to hold your liquor first," Ace said. "Then I'll consider it."

"Whatever," Jasper huffed. "I'm going to take a nap anyway."

"Hm," Ace nodded in agreement. "Sleep off that attitude while you're at it."


"Fuck me," Ace finished for him. "Yeah, I know. Anything else? Maybe something I haven't heard before?"


Jasper's nap evidently lasted than he anticipated, because the next time he woke, the sun had set. The room was dark and cold, and Ace was nowhere to be found.

He checked the time on his phone which read 10:04 pm. 6 hours had gone by, the snow showed no intention of letting up, and Ace had the audacity to think Jasper would really allow himself to be held prisoner in this godforsaken hotel room?

Jasper sent an annoyed text to the guard. The first one he'd ever sent for that matter. They'd always been within such close proximity that texting was never necessary.

And as Ace had quickly learned, Jasper had no problem with saying how he felt to your face.

Where are you?

Jasper sat up in the bed and watched as the read notification popped up underneath the message. Three dots appeared soon after.

Downstairs at the bar.

What a fucking prick, Jasper thought before typing out another text.

I'm coming down.

Jasper had began to piece together an outfit from the minimal clothes he brought with him when he heard his phone buzz again.

You're not. I'll be up in a bit.

Jasper scoffed at the message. Who the hell did Ace think he was demanding that Jasper stay put in their room?

Fuck you.

Is all Jasper said. He watched as Ace read the text, began to type, but stopped himself. He probably knew arguing with Jasper was no use.

So the blond finished getting dressed and left the room moments later, his phone in his pocket and his mood less than pleasant.

He briefly wondered what part of the hotel his family were staying in so he could do everything to avoid them, but ignored the thought and continued on.

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