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Sehoon and I both excused ourselves with our captain and act saying we were already full and that would be getting to the dorm. Instead, we went outside the building trying to look for the darkest place so no one saw us.

-Y/N: Where's the map that Junhee made for us?

-Sehoon: Right here - places it above a rock - Do you need some light?

-Y/N: That would be useful.

We make sure no one is around and then we use our lantern to take a last look at the map. We had to reach the last floor where the admiral's office where our goal was.

-Sehoon: How are we supposed to get there?

-Y/N: Sujin, you'll help us.

-Sujin: As always, since they can't see me... Should I distract them and make them follow random noises?

-Y/N: Yes, and Sehoon I think you should actually be a distraction as well.

-Sehoon: What do you mean? I'll go with you.

-Y/N: No, please obey me in this - sighs - This is the plan, Junsik will make the weather change and a horrible storm will appear.

-Sujin: A lot of soldiers will head outside to fix everything and protect the installations.

-Sehoon: That'll make it easier - smiles - So what's my role?

-Y/N: You'll work with Sunwoo, he'll make some type of wild animal appear and you just have to be all dramatic about it.

-Sujin: Basically, act as if you were super afraid of it and make sure that a lot of soldiers go to you to check what's going on.

-Sehoon: Okay, where's Sunwoo?

-Y/N: Waitinh at the dorm, once it starts raining we'll begin with the mission.

-Both: Okay!

We hid until Junsik used his power and a whole storm started. We were all soaked in seconds, and then we divided to accomplish with our different roles.

-Y/N: Sujin-ah, you come with me.

-Sujin: - nods - Sehoon, don't mess it up.

-Sehoon: Don't worry. Sunwoo and I will make it - smiles.

We entered the main building again and headed to the bathroom, the idea was to wait there until most of the soldiers distributed and left the place.

-Y/N: I think we are saved now, take a look before we continue - whispers.

-Sujin: Everything cleaned, let's go.

I looked through a window and spotted the chaos that started within seconds. Everyone was running around like chicken without a head. I took a deep breath and continued following Sujin.

-Sujin: We'll need to be very silent, the captain is still here.

-Y/N: To reach the stairs we need to cross the dining room, how will we make it?

-Sujin: We'll need to wait I guess - takes a look - Where's the girl from before?

-Y/N: You mean Sana?

-Sujin: Yeah, the one whose fault made you have that scar in your ankle.

-Y/N: I prefer not to talk about what happened back then considering my own siblings almost killed her.

-Sujin: She's a simple human, Y/N.

-Y/N: And we are monsters, sis.

The captain suddenly appeared and ran towards the window to control the situation.

-Captain: This bastards, they are unable to do anything right without commands - sighs - Kim, Lee, Choi! Cover the damn solar panel! Do you want to live like neanderthals without electricity?!

We took the chance to run past his back and get towards the next floor. There were some soldiers wandering around, since they were in higher positions they didn't head outside.

-Sujin: Should I use my powers to distract them?

-Y/N: Nah, I need you do that in the next floor - serious - I'm sure the admiral has guards in his door, that's when you'll play your role.

-Sujin: How will we do it, then?

-Y/N: Leave it to me - walks to the soldiers - You have to help us, please! A horrible beast have entered the newbies dorm and we aren't able to get rid of it!

-Soldier 1: Pfft, what are we talking about? A spider?

-Soldier 2: Are the kids afraid of a lil spider? - mocks us.

-Y/N: The captain is in charge of protecting the base, please you have to believe me - dramatically - You can just approach them, and if I'm lying ill serve you however you want for a week.

One of them smirked with malicious intentions, and then accepted the deal. Once they left we got to the next floor and then Sujin used her powers to distract the guards at the door.

I found myself standing in front of the door about to enter and make the biggest robbery ever when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Sana's worried face as she looked at me.

-Sana: What's going on? What's with that lie?

-Y/N: It isn't a lie, there's truly a wild animal at the dorm.

-Sana: What are you doing here? Do you need anything from the admiral?

-Y/N: I don't have the necessity to give you any type of explanation, now if you excuse me - sighs.

-Sana: Y/N, this is too fishy. There's definitely something going on...

-Y/N: Go back to your house, I have something to do.

-Sana: I'm not leaving until you explain me what's going on - serious.

-Y/N: I'm sorry.

I tried to knock her out but she dodged my attack and frowned as she looked confused at me.

-Sana: Did you just try to knock me out?

-Y/N: You aren't supposed to be here - pushes her and opens the door - I'm sorry Mr, this isn't personal - knocks the admiral.

-Sana: Y/N!


-Sana: What are you doing?!

I opened the secret box where the USB with all the national information and put it on my pocket. Then I opened the window and used my powers to draw a stairs.

-Y/N: I told you it was complicated.

-Sana: You are a criminal, why Y/N?

-Y/N: Because we are monsters - leaves through the window.

Behind The Mask - Sana x Male Reader [On Hiatus] Where stories live. Discover now