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Everything happened too fast, I forgot about my siblings the moment I reached Sana in the sand. It wasn't until I started feeling some type of pain in my ankle that I remembered them.

-Doctor: They appear to be okay, however to reassure it... I recommend them to stay here for a while more.

-Jihyo: - nods - Thank you, doctor.

I sighed in relief knowing that they were all out of danger, however the pain in the ankle was starting to be bothersome. Sana seemed to had noticed a weird expression on my face and asked if everything was okay.

-Y/N: Yeah, I just... Uhm, need to use the bathroom - chuckles - I was trying to didn't make it obvious.

-Sana: As you can see I won't go anywhere - giggles - I'll be waiting here, take your time.

-Y/N: Fine - smiles.

I tried to hide the pain while walking so know one noticed how the bracelet on my ankle was torturing me. Once I reached the bathroom I locked myself in there and pulled the bottom of my trousers up. Just to find out my burning skin under the bracelet, gosh it hurted too much.

-Y/N: Fuck them... I can't leave Sana here knowing the fault is in part mine for not obeying.

I was too frustrated, I couldn't do anything but to keep on dealing with the pain. However, I didn't imagine that what I was feeling would go a little higher as time passed by.

I bit my lip until I made myself blood trying not to scream out of the pain. Soon I received an incoming call from Sujin, so in time.

Y/N: What?!

Sujin: Don't be pissed at me, you know I always want the best for you.

Y/N: Then free me from this torture!

Sujin: You know there's only one way to do that, come back home

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Sujin: You know there's only one way to do that, come back home. Please.

Y/N: I can't...

Sujin: Please, don't behave so stupidly. This isn't like yourself! The Y/N that I know would be here planning our next movement.

Y/N: I can't do that anymore, now I have someone here.

Sujin: You can't be with her, she's a simply human and you are much superior.

Y/N: Really? When I saw you today at the beach instead of feeling like you are superior I thought that you were...

Sujin: That we were what, Y/N? Hmm? Don't keep it to yourself, be clear.

Y/N: You were... MONSTERS!

Sujin: You are one of us, remember it.

Y/N: I don't want to belong to-- Arghh!!

The pain was extremely high at that point, my ankle was truly hurted. I couldn't handle it anymore, I wanted to bang my head against the wall and finish with that sensation killing me alive.

Behind The Mask - Sana x Male Reader [On Hiatus] Where stories live. Discover now