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I was really young when I had to leave Sana without any explanation at all. Three years happened in between and I was already twenty six when our fate made us meet again.

-Y/N: What the hell is she doing in here? - mumbles.

-Sehoon: What did you say?

-Y/N: No, nothing - sighs - Sujin is here, right?

-Sehoon: Yeah, she'll open the door which will give us access to the room where they are keeping the country's most valious treasure - smirks - With Junhee's power it was really easy to spot it.

-Y/N: - nods - Let's do our part then-

-Captain: The two of you, follow this young lady and answer all her questions accordingly.

We both turned our head towards the girl and as I noticed before, it was Sana. I cursed thousand times mentally while we approached her, hopefully she wouldn't recognise me.

-Sana: Good afternoon, my name is Minatozaki Sana and I work as a reporter for the police station in Seoul - smiles and extends her hand.

-Sehoon: Han Sehoon, its a pleasure - smiles and shakes her hand - He's my brother Y/N.

She seemed to remember me the moment she landed her eyes on me. Her expression turned a little bit darker but still continued doing her job.

-Sana: It is said that getting inside the army is an option that barely anyone chooses. Why did you decide to join it?

-Sehoon: For us it's a pleasure to serve our country - smiles - Its an honour.

-Sana: I see, so you can be a soldier even when you weren't into weapons and aggressive behaviours?

-Sehoon: Eh, well I guess that anything is possible with training. Right?

-Y/N: Yes.

-Sana: Is it common for soldiers to leave behind people important to them without giving any explanation?

-Sehoon: Sorry? - confused.

-Y/N: Excuse me, I don't think those are the questions you had to make - serious.

-Sana: Are you in position to complain, Y/N? - serious.

-Sehoon: What?! You know each other?

-Y/N: That's not the matter now, we are soldiers and we are actually really busy - sighs - If you don't take the chance to ask the proper questions you won't be able to do your job.

-Sana: I'm not finished with you, once I'm done with this I swear that you'll hear me - takes a notebook - I'm here cause its said that there's something suspicious going on.

-Y/N: What do you mean?

-Sana: In the police station we suspect that someone from the Army has been passing confidential information to the outside. Is that true?

-Sehoon: Uhm...

-Y/N: We heard our superiors say that some information was stolen, its true. But they are working hard as well to discover who beatrayed us.

-Sana: What type of information is it?

-Sehoon: Secret one that we can't share with anyone, we are sorry - smiles.

-Sana: I'm a police member.

-Sehoon: Still, as you could imagine we can't take any more risks - srughs - Tell your superiors not to worry about it cause we'll find the responsible soon.

-Sana: On which squad are you two?

-Y/N: Fifth one, why?

-Sana: Oh, perfect - takes notes - Can you tell me about the mysterious death of the man who used to be your leader?

-Sehoon: It happened while we were sleeping, when we woke up it was already too late.

-Sana: I see... Have you found the responsible?

-Y/N: Let me ask something, why is there someone from the police in the army? What are you doing here? I think that the inner problems should be solved by ourselves.

-Sana: Is that a defensive behaviour? - frowns - Maybe the responsible is closer than expected.

-Y/N: I just think that the police in here is useless.

-Sehoon: Y/N-ah, it's not necessary to be rude either - smiles.

-Sana: In the end your real self always ends up showing off. It's quite sad that I realised the type of person he was too late - sighs - But this is everything for the moment, I'll come back.

-Sehoon: Thank you for visiting us - smiles.

-Sana: Y/N, won't you give me any explanation?

-Y/N: I couldn't stay, I had a bigger duty to do that goes further my possibilities - sighs - All I can say is that I'm sorry for leaving the way I did.

-Sana: It probably sounds stupid at the moment, but... Back then I truly loved you, I was in love with you - clears her throat - We didn't date, but the feelings were there.

-Y/N: I'm sorry...

-Captain: Everyone, head to the dinning room. Dinner is about to be served - looks at Sana - You can have dinner in here if wished.

-Sehoon: He says that as if food in here was good - mumbles.

Sana came with the rest of soldiers to the dinning room, and to be honest I hated the fact that all of them had an eye on her. Maybe I really was in a defensive behaviour since I saw her, but I couldn't help it.

-Sana: Y/N... What have you done this years?

-Y/N: Oh, I've been in here - smiles.

-Soldier 1: But you two came here a month ago - chuckles - You are still newbies.

-Sana: Are you lying to me, huh?

-Y/N: I'm sorry, I didn't want to admit that I had to return home to solve some family problems - sighs - It's complicated.

-Sana: That seems to be your official sentence, "it's complicated".

-Sehoon: He's always like that since three years ago - chuckles - He seems to have had some type of problem with a girl which made him become a depressive guy.

-Sana: - looks at him- Uh...

-Y/N: - face palms - When I think you can't be dumber, you always surprise me reaching a whole new level - sighs.

-Sehoon: Why?

-Sana: It's okay... Now I know I wasn't the only one having a hard time - smiles.

-Y/N: Of course not, I didn't want to leave you - serious - But I had to.

I was talking with Sana when I felt someone pinch my thigh, I looked at Sehoon but he was still eating. I guessed it was Sujin, which meant that it was already time to start the mission.

-Y/N: You'll need to excuse us, we have something to do - smiles.

-Sana: Are you leaving again? - raises an eyebrow.

-Y/N: I'm sorry, but we must do something important.

Behind The Mask - Sana x Male Reader [On Hiatus] Where stories live. Discover now