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Junhee and I finished our turn at the coffee shop and started heading towards our respectives houses. How weird felt to say something like that, we were too used to live under the same roof.

-Junhee: She's beautiful, but she was scary with that last sentence - smiles - You gotta admit it.

-Y/N: I do admit it, she scared the shit out of me with that - sighs - It feels like she knows about my real identity but is playing dumb.

-Junhee: Like a rabbit in front of a hungry wolf?

-Y/N: Yeah, something like that. And in this case I am the rabbit, and it's a problem cause I'm used to be the wolf.

-Junhee: If Sehoon listened to us right now, we would start once again talking about that series he watches - chuckles.

-Y/N: It's called "Beastars", how can you forget the name when he mentioned it multiple times?

-Junhee: Sometimes I disconnect, sorry - smiles and shrugs.

-Y/N: Don't apologise to me, apologise to our brother - smiles - Now let's head back home, today has been a long day

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-Y/N: Don't apologise to me, apologise to our brother - smiles - Now let's head back home, today has been a long day.

-Junhee: Yeah, you are right - follows you - By the way, Y/N... Would you mind if I come along you?

-Y/N: No, of course not. But why? - confused - Isn't this the big chance we have been waiting?

-Junhee: - laughs nervously - You might think that I'm a freak or chessy but I'm afraid of being alone.

-Y/N: Eh?

-Junhee: - raises the bottom of her trouser - We gotta pull this bracelet which is controlling us all day. We aren't free at all, this proves it.

-Y/N: Hey, no one should see that - looks around - Cover it.

-Junhee: Y/N, I've been studying people for a long time - sighs - And I can reassure you that we'll never be like them.

-Y/N: Junhee... How can you say that? We only need some practice and time, yeah a lot of time - smiles - We've been locked with mother until now, it's normal to be scared.

-Junhee: You don't understand it, our spot is right next to mother. She's the only one we can be ourselves with. Aren't you tired of pretending? Today you could have had a normal date if it wasn't because of your secret.

-Y/N: It was not a date! And I refuse to stay forever with mother and you all - serious - We are adults, we need to open our eyes.

-Junhee: Great, open your eyes Y/N. We are adults who with poor social skills, the police around the world is looking for us, and if that wasn't enough, we have superpowers.

-Y/N: Junhee-

-Junhee: We are monsters! - shouts - We can't be acting like we are one of them, we should return home.

Behind The Mask - Sana x Male Reader [On Hiatus] Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя