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Waiting is sign of true love and patience. Anyone can say I love you, but not everyone can wait and prove it's true.


Love is happiness and sorrows. It's tears of joy and tears of pain.

Love is a friend and sometimes, love is an enemy.

But love is love. And it's wonderful if you find it in this world of ours.

I found it.

I found love when I was ten.

I still remember all the words I called it back then. Like. Crush. Puppy love. But it's still love. I remember feeling butterflies swimming in my belly whenever I saw this cute next door neighbor kid. Who always had a smile on his face. Especially when he was with his mother.

I wanted that happiness.

But above all, I wanted to be the one to give it to him.

And when he said hello for the first time, I knew we could be good friends. We could stay our whole lives as neighbors. Together in one house maybe one day.

I Was young. What did I know? Only when I reached highschool, my feelings got stronger. Whenever I saw him laughing with someone else, I got hurt. I only wanted him to see me. To look at me. To share his happiness with me.

And when I almost lost him this morning, I saw my happiness drifting away. Living me breathless.

Lance is love. Lance is joy. Lance is everything in happiness. And I am glad I have him beside me.

They say, sometimes people need time apart to get stronger. I don’t believe that.

I am stronger when he is by my side. I am happier when he smiles at me. I am crazier when he is crazy with me. Even when he breaks my heart and I lose all hope, I still get back from him, because he is my world. My everything.

I watch him peacefully sleeping in my arms. My heart sings in joy.

My heart loves this man. I love this man.

And I will do anything to show him just that.

I take my phone at the night stand and look at the watch, it's 4am in the morning. I laugh at myself. Once upon a time, I could watch him sleep like this while my heart screams to get him back, but now? Now I am watching him while my heart sings hallelujah after getting him back.

I am filled with joy. Unconditional joy I can't explain.

I watch him one more time.

My world is okay. We are okay. We will be okay. One more day at a time. I will fix everything between us.

With that in mind, I start messaging the most important people. People who helped today. everyone who made sure I could get my man back in my arms.

I make plans. I make deals. And the fun part is, most of them reply immediately and I wonder. Were they waiting for feedback all this time?

When I am done, I put the phone aside and hold my husband once more. He shifts but gets closer to me.

I smile and kiss his forehead. “ I love you.” I whisper. “and I hope tomorrow will be the beginning of us.”


“Is he still sleeping?” mom asks.

“What do you think, he probably broke his hip or something.” Evan says. The guy has no filter.

“Evan.” I warn. But a smile on my face.

Evan is my friend. I have known him since highschool till university. He is the one who introduced his brother to me yesterday when I needed help and he wasn’t in town.

One More Valentine. [ManxMan] 🦂Where stories live. Discover now