Part 8 i think

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You wake up to effy and panda singing happy birthday "thank you" you say when they both sit next to you "get ready tho yeah we have things t9 do before collage" effy says to you as she passes you a dress with a crown on top you get changed and touch up your eyeliner.

You wake up to effy and panda singing happy birthday "thank you" you say when they both sit next to you "get ready tho yeah we have things t9 do before collage" effy says to you as she passes you a dress with a crown on top you get changed and tou...

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"Do I have to go to collage in the dress" you ask panda "yes and the crown" she says as you put the crown on your head "come on then let's go" you say as all three of you walk out. You arrive at collage late as effy wanted to get a drink before you walk in and sit at the back next to cook where you always do when Kieron walks in "happy birthday kiddo" he says to you and you smile "happy birthday effy has something big planned" cook says "thanks" you smile "I'm too tired for this crap tho" you say as you open up your phone "Kieron can I go to the toilet" you ask and he lets you go you walk to the toilet as you bump into someone on the way "shit sorry" you say "it's fine" a boy says and you look up "happy birthday" he says and you smile "thanks did I ask for your number ten other week at McDonald's" you ask him thinking you recognise him "yep" he says and you smile "yeah sorry I was drunk" you say as he laughs "can you help me with something" you ask the boy "with what" he asks "my ex cheated on me and I can't hold a real relationship because I push people away so can u just like be my boy bestie" you ask him knowing it's odd "alright" he's says and you smile "meet in the student lounge at lunch" you say and carry on walking to the bathroom you get in and click onto Chris's contact.

To: oldie <33
From: you
It's my birthday mum kicked me out so I'm staying at effys her and panda sang happy birthday to wake me up and now I'm walking around collage in a dress but it's ok cuz I have loads of friends that care about me I miss you loads.

You text him and walk back to class at lunch you wait for the boy in the student lounge while everyone else is getting food "what's you name" you say to him while he walks over "Carl" he says "holly" you say back as he sits with his arm around you everyone else walks over "who's this" effy asks "my friend Carl after McDonald's we got talking" you say as he smiles at everyone "right well take half my sandwich" effy says sitting next to you "so what are we count today then" you ask "surprise" effy says "hey peachy how's your birthday going who's this" cook asks "cook this is Carl" you say feeling a little bad "fucking great" cook says "what he's just my friend" you say when effy walks off and walks in with Emily holding a cake and effy making everyone sing happy birthday you knew she was doing it because Chris always used to do big jesters and she wanted it to feel like he was still here.
"Come on we're all bunking the rest of the day Carl can come too" effy said as she takes your hand you all walk down the street singing you and effy dancing "we're here" effy shouts as you walk into a club that had a photo booth a bar with free drinks and a club like inside effy takes your hand and you both run to the photo booth (all photos next chapter) you dance and sing all night taking photos with everyone.

You walk outside and smoke a spliff you were happy because you didn't have collage tomorrow so you can stay all night "hey hols" jj says as he walks outside "u leaving" you ask him "yeah" he says and you wave him goodbye you go back in and dance at this point you only knew about 10% of the people there but it was fun at 2am effy gets all the people we came with outside "panda holly Carl cook y'all can come back to mine if u want" effy says as she walks you home "I wanna go see Chris" you say "home bed" effy says as you start walking off to go see Chris " you walk to his grave and effy takes cook Carl and panda back to her house. "Hey so it's my birthday I miss you a lot like effy made it fun but it wasn't the same I brought you a pill not like you can take it mum kicked me out cook cheated on me but you know mindless sex sounds better than a relationship" you say sitting on his grave you placed the pill on top of the grave as you start picking at the grass "I got another tattoo a flower and some words but that was like a month ago I'm sorry I don't come see you more often but it nice you having a grave next to peters like I'm talking to you both I didn't really know you Peter but I love you regardless love you both" you say as you take your shoes off and walk to effys house.

"I'm back" you shout as you step in "in your room" effy shouts as you walk up you see a load of presents on your bed "open them then" effy said as you say on your bed a picked up the first one "from Chris" you question "I don't know it just turned up" effy said as you opened it you read a note that said if your reading this it's your 17th birthday and I've probably died I made jal go out and buy this when I was sick well she didn't buy it more just get it from my room but you know love you sis you opened up the box to see a memory box chris made through his life you smiled when you saw the security footage of why he got kicked out (without the sex part) you also see a note to tell you to buy a fish  you open your next gift from effy and see a necklace. You open all your presents effy and panda had fallen asleep in effys room Carl had left and anthea hadn't left her room you and cook were chilling in the kitchen you looking for something to eat "so u wanna Willy waggle" cook asks "is that what you were trying to point out with the condom" you ask him as that's what he got you "yep" he says as you both walk to your room "I'm tired" you say cuz at this point it was 5am "night" you say as you go to sleep.

Kinda short sorry.

Grief // James cookWhere stories live. Discover now