«chapter nine: trust»

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  Because Nightwing is probably on a rampage downstairs. Unless he left altogether.

  It doesn't matter. Either way, he is going to be royally pissed at me.

And I don't think I would blame him.


  M'gann stays with me while Conner goes down to talk with Nightwing and Wally. They have been down there long enough for Artemis to take the kids home and come back.

  "Will is watching them," She says when she walks in, her face grime as she probably just heard some of what the boys were talking about.

  Lily is sitting on M'gann's lap, M'gann showing her martian tricks that make her smile in awe.

  Artemis sits down across from me, and I look to her, already prepared for the look on her face.


  "In coming," Wally says as he runs upstairs, and I hear Conner trying to hold someone back in the stairway.

I stand up, ready.

  Soon after, he come back in, Conner glancing worriedly between us.

  He stops, crosses his arms at me as he stares me down as if he is waiting for me to explain myself.

  I don't, which probably pisses him off even more as I cross my arms at him too, mirroring his stance.

  "Not going to say anything?" I say finally, and he tenses at my voice and the calmness in it.

  "I don't know what to say. Shouldn't be surprised," He shakes his head, and I know he said those words because he knew they would hurt.

  I can feel my facade slipping away and have to remind myself to keep it up as I sigh and say, "I don't know what you want me to say, what any of you want me to say."

  "How about why you came back?" Dick snaps before anyone can say anything. I flinch at the sudden change in his tone, and so does Wally.

  "Lily, why don't you go say hi to Wolf again?" M'gann asks kindly.

  Lily looks between all of us before disappearing.

  With her gone I turn my gaze back to Dick and say, "Why? Because you were an idiot and went to Santa Prisca!" I exclaim, anger breaking through despite me having kept it under control for the majority of today.

  "And Ra's al Ghul told you that?" He questions, "So when Ra's al Ghul tells you to do something you do it, right?" He says before he adds, "Or was it you not trusting us to hand the Shadows on our own because you always have to be the one to save everyone? You have to be the one to risk their life."

  "No," I shake my head, "Don't you dare throw that around like it's nothing," I glare, "And he didn't tell me about Santa Prisca. He contacted me right after you left him. I gave you a few days to figure it out for yourself but when you opted to go to Santa Prisca, I couldn't ignore-"

  "So you were just watching and waiting for us to do what you wanted and when we didn't you stepped in?" He takes a step to me, but we have a couch in the way of us. Conner is on his side, looking at him warily and Wally is too. Artemis is at my side and so is M'gann but I don't think any of them are willing to speak up right now.

catgirl ! crushed (nightwing)  Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon