Three - "Kristov"

Start from the beginning

"A woman sir. She insisted on having a photo with you."

I clicked my tongue, suddenly annoyed at the information, "dammit! Why can't some people understand that I'm not a celebrity."

Jack was silent. After fifteen years of working as my bodyguard, he knew when to keep his mouth shut.

At the rooftop, I strode directly to the helipad, where my chopper and the rest of the bodyguards were waiting.

"To the headquarters," Jack informed the pilot.


Taking a chopper wherever I go is very convenient for me. My time is too precious to be wasted on traffic.

I was in our Texas Office for straight two months, working on our Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality (AR/VR) project.

We were ready to advance to the next level, which was Beta testing. Our software developers were doing many test runs to avoid collapse of the system. This project aimed to change the future - in education, commerce, science and technology. All humankind would benefit this project.

"Ready for landing, sir," the pilot announced, then descended on top of the Stavrakos building.

Waiting at the rooftop were my executive secretary, software manager, finance officer and personal assistant.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Stavrakos," they all greeted, then followed me.

Jack and two bodyguards went ahead and opened the door of my office.

"What the hell is that?" I pointed at the boat on top of my desk, then looked at my Executive Secretary, Mr. Penn.

"That's a sushi boat, Sir," he informed me, "Mrs. Alvarez delivered it personally. She wanted it on your desk, so you wouldn't miss it."

"That's huge, how can I miss seeing it?" I hissed, then ordered firmly, "give it to the guards."

A bodyguard took it from my table and brought it outside.

I dropped down behind my office table, shaking my head.

Mrs. Alvarez is pretty insistent. She wants me to date her daughter. For heaven's sake, she's throwing her daughter to the wolf.

"Okay, tell me all your concerns," I asked my finance officer first.

"The finance advisor of Dubai Trading Company informed me that your investment tripled. He's asking if you'll reinvest the money, Sir."

"Yeah, roll it, and add another billion."

"Noted, Sir."

My software manager enumerated the test runs they made in the last 24 hours.

"We could not find any fault in the EDUTECH program, Sir. We're ready to launch for beta testing. When can we possibly run it?"

"We'll do it next week. Make sure that all members working in the project will be present."

"Understood sir."

They brought up more concern, until we tackled everything.

"Is that all?" I looked at my watch, time was running so fast. I needed to study and sign many documents.

"I have more, Sir," Mr. Penn said, "the GQ magazine is asking, if you can pose for them. They want you be their next month's cover, as the most eligible bachelor of America,"

"Not again. I just posed for Forbes," I shook my head, "tell them I'm busy."

"Will do, sir," he scribbled something on his iPad, "another thing, sir. Miss Hornet called. She booked a dinner reservation for both of you at New World Hotel. Tonight, at eight p.m."


"The girl you went out with two nights ago."

"Oh," my eyebrows drew together, "send her flowers and a bracelet. Include a note, tell her, it was fun while it lasted."

"Yes, Sir."

I took my pen, impatient to start working, "is that all?"

"Um... Miss Chloros also called."

I slammed my pen on my desk, "and who is this now?"

"Your housekeeper in New York."

"I see. What's her concern?"

"She called to inform you that her replacement, Miss Jodie Rosi, broke her arm. It would take two months for Miss Rosi to recover fully."

"But Miss Chloros is getting married," I took my pen, subconsciously tapping it on my desk.

"Yes sir, and she's scheduled to leave next week. Miss Rosi's sister filled in the post for two months. She's now settled in the mansion."

"I see." I read the document in front of me, and was still tapping my pen.

"By the way, her name is Pia Rosi. She's 45 years old, and single."

I stopped tapping my pen, then looked at Mr. Penn, "draw a contract. I want it signed, sealed and delivered."

"Noted, Sir."

I put down my pen, and turned to Jack.  

"Prepare the plane. We're going back to New York."

The Billionaire's Maid in DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now