Chapter 12 [Ending]

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I'm sorry that the series is ending so fast this story was meant to be short.


It was graduation day, time flies really fast. You were getting ready for the big day. You also heard that there would be fireworks or a special event nearby so you might ask Akui to go there with you.

College was crazy, I guess that was the beauty of it. Despite being happy today you also feel kinda stressed that you have to find a job and be successful. But you'll just go with the flow. After taking a bath and drinking water you left your room and made a small breakfast like egg with some rice.

After cooking you ate some food while watching some youtube videos. Then you washed the dishes after eating. While doing your routine you put on some music to motivate you. "I will think of our song when the nights are too long.." you sang Isabella's lullaby cover by AmaLee. You liked her songs, they were very catchy and had a lot of energy.

Graduation started at 1:30 pm. It was now 12:27 pm. You were done washing the dishes now you had to change clothes. But first you must wash your face and brush your teeth. Then you looked at the time it was 12:30 pm. After that you decided to change clothes. It was now 12:50 pm. You had to wait 10 minutes. So you decided to sit on the couch, and you were checking your phone.

You were looking at the juicy drama and read some crime documentaries. Then you received a message from Akui. it said "Look outside your house." with a smiley face. Totally not weird, but you did it anyway. You left the house and saw Akui with his car. "I'll drive you there." said Akui, it sounded demanding but you didn't care since you needed a ride. You ran to his car and sat beside him.

The car ride was filled with silence but it wasn't an awkward silence it was really peaceful. "Hey M/N, can I ask you a question?" Akui asked you. "You already did." you said sarcastically. Akui glared at you. "Geez, sure bro. No need to glare." you said. "When we're older can we still be close?" Akui asked you.

"Uh, yeah. Sure." You responded with a whatever tone. Akui smiled. I guess you're forever stuck with him. Both of you arrived at the place where you were told to go. You and Akui found a spot to sit together. While the teachers and principal had a speech you and Akui kept talking. It was boring and who actually listens to them anyways?

"Okay now we are going to announce the student with the highest honors of grade 12!" the teacher of grade 12 said. And she started saying the names of the students who got the highest honors and of course she said Akui's name first. You clapped when Akui got called. You expected it but you were still happy for him.

Now the teacher started naming students who got honors. And luckily you heard your name. You smiled and walked towards the teacher. And she gave you stuff that teachers gave for graduation day. After she gave something to you walked and went beside Akui. both of you smiled at each other. And it was finally done and you all threw your hats in the air.

It was now 2 days after graduation day. You and Akui were in your house spending time together. While reading some drama's you saw that there would be an event next to Rostico. Rostico was close to your street. "Hey Akui wanna go to XXX in Rostico?" you asked the white-haired boy.

"Is it because of the event near Rostico?" Akui asked you. You nodded. "Sure, actually I have a place I want to go so that we can still see the event." Akui said. "What place?" You asked him. "I'll just drive you there." Says Akui.


It was the day the event was happening. Akui was driving to the place he wanted to go and you were sleeping since Akui said that it would be a long ride, if only you knew where he was going.

You guys finally arrived at the place, And Akui woke you up. "Ugh, where are we?" you asked with a tired tone since you just woke up. "A playground." he said. You looked at him weirdly, but whatever, he's your friend so you trust him.

Both of you walked towards the playground. It looked familiar but you couldn't remember why. It looked so colorful it had some butterflies and beautiful plants. "Woah! It's so beautiful!" You exclaimed.

"Where did you find this?" You asked Akui. "I saw it while walking around here." Akui responded with a smile. You saw the swings and told Akui to join you swinging. He agreed.

It was so fun and you enjoyed it. While you guys were talking about the future you saw fireworks. "Akui look!" You said while pointing at the sky with fireworks it was a beautiful sight to see.

While you were mesmerized by the view Akui wanted to say something but he just kept quiet. 'It isn't the right time.' he thought and Also enjoyed the view.


You and Akui were 21 years old. Akui became a successful person, while you worked as a [Your dream job]. Sure you weren't successful as Akui but you just wanted to have fun in life. By the way, you and Akui are still friends. So both of you supported each other.

It was also the day where Akui would confess his love for you. I'm surprised he still had a crush on you for so long. Akui was ready to tell you that he loves you so much. So he sent you a text saying to meet him at the same playground after the graduation day. You didn't know where it was but he gave you directions.

You have now arrived at the playground. It still looked the same after 3 years. You saw Akui at the swings waiting for you. You walked towards him. "Hey, Aki, what do you need me for?" you asked him while standing right in front of him.

"Well M/N I wanted to tell you this ever since college.." Akui said with a blush on his face. You felt deja vu. Ignoring the deja vu you felt you looked at him with a raised brow. "The truth is I love you, M/N. I have loved you ever since high school." He looked at you with loving eyes and a loving tone. You gasped.

"I'm sorry, but are you being genuine?" You asked him to make sure. He nodded. You sighed and looked at him with a disappointing look. "Sorry Akui, but I don't love you that way anymore. I used to have a crush on you when we were 14 years old but I moved on already." You said in a guilty tone.

"Oh.. Is there someone else?" he asked you. You shook your head. "I guess I have to do this the hard way." Akui said in a dark tone. "What do you mea-" You got cut off.


You finally woke up. But when you saw the place it was very unfamiliar. It didn't look like your room or Akui's room. So where were you? "Where am I?" You asked, you weren't sure if someone was there but you just did it anyway.

"Oh you're awake darling!" you heard someone say in a loving tone, they sounded familiar. You look to your left to see Akui with your hoodie? "Akui, where am I?" You asked him in a demanding tone.

"Our home." He said lovingly while sitting beside you. "What do you mean our home?" You asked him again. "Well a place where we live happily ever after!" Akui said in a happy tone which you found weird.

"We live happily ever after?" You repeat what Akui said to make sure you weren't high. Akui nodded. "You know love, it's tiring to have a crush on someone for years just for them to lose feelings for you. But I'm sure you don't mean that, You're just confused." He said smiling while caressing your face.

"Akui stop this. This isn't funny." You said while glaring at the crazy white-haired boy. "Funny? Did you think I was joking?" he said and suddenly got mad. "JOKING? WHAT DO YOU MEAN? I LITERALLY TOLD YOU I LOVED YOU AND NOW I'M JOKING?" Akui snapped, but he tried to calm himself.

"Sorry I snapped love, it's just I loved you for so long." he said in a calm tone while kissing your forehead. "Now we'll be together forever." Akui said in a dark yet loving tone.


EXTRA: let me continue the flashback of the playground in Rostico

the yandere playground. It was called that because every person who knew the existence of the playground were only the victims of the yandere's or the yanderes. Akui knew that place but he just lied to you.

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