Chapter 6 [M/N's Sexuality]

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Okay so M/N is bi and Akui is gay



So, do you like girls or do you like boys?

M/N was working his part time job, which was being a waiter and then he was pinned to the wall by a beautiful girl and a handsome boy. M/N blushed because of how close the two were, he was also blushing because of the beauty by the boy and girl. "Uh...."

Oh, um, I mean, uhh, yes?

"Uh... Um.... Yes?" M/N said not being able to pick one. The two were Confused. "What do you mean 'yes?'" the two said simultaneously. M/N was sweating because he really couldn't choose one even if it cost his life.

When my friends ask me 'bout my sexuality

I choke up and joke that the answer's not easy

You were dressing up for the play and there were other people with you also dressing up for the play. "Hey, M/N. Can I ask a question?" The girl playing for the female lead asked you. "You already did." M/N said annoying the girl. "C'mon, M/N. I'm being honest!" she said. "Yes! Geez" you said. "What's your sexuality?" The girl said, A lot of people heard her and went close to the two of you, also curious. "Yeah, M/n. What is your sexuality?" a person said. "Well the answer isn't easy," you said, sweating

Like, I'm watchin' a Disney movie and the couple gets it on

But who should I look at, is it Shang or Mulan?.

You and Akui were on the couch watching 'Mulan' because you recommended Akui to watch it.

Then there was a scene where it showed both Shang and Mulan, You were confused of who to look at Shang or Mulan? Little did you know a certain white-haired boy was looking at you.

I like boys and girls but I still don't know why

I couldn't get either one if I really try

Despite you liking two genders you were still single you couldn't get either one if you really tried. There was A time where you flirted with a boy to sadly discover that he had a girlfriend. You were lucky that you didn't meet the girlfriend or else you would've died right now. There was a time where you flirted with a girl to find out that she was a lesbian. You're really unlucky.

I'm switchin' my preference like an on-and-off switch

"Hey, M/N. Since you're bi, what's your preference?" a girl said, she is also the same girl who asked what your sexuality is. "Males" you said with no expression while eating your lunch. "Ohh okay!" the girl said, satisfied. A few days later A guy asked the same thing but this time your answer was different. "Hey, M/N. What's your preference?" he said. "Females" you said while answering your homework. A week later the guy and the girl were talking about your sexuality, and they discovered that you told them different answers, so they decided to confront you. You were talking to Akui as usual, then 2 students walked up to both of you. "Hey, prez. Can we borrow M/N for a bit?" the two said simultaneously. "Um.. Sure?" Akui said, confused. "Thanks!" they suddenly grabbed both of your arms, like they were dragging you, but you did nothing to stop them like accepting your fate. "M/N, Be honest! What.Is.Your.Preference?" they said in a demanding tone while pinning you to the wall. While they pinned you to the wall you were blushing madly. "UM......."

 If I had a dime for every crush I've had I'd be rich

Every show you watched you always had at least 1 crush then you'd have a phase of you being obsessed with them. "AKI!!!" you said in a happy tone while going to Akui to have a conversation. Akui knew what would happen next, "Let me guess, you had a crush again?" Akui said. "YEP!" you said while Akui sighed.

Like boy bye, Girl hi

New guy, I'm bi?

There was a guy who was the leader of the art club, of course you flirted with him. You found him really cute especially with the cute reactions he had. Then the next day there was this pretty girl who was attending drama class with you, you guys were acting for a romance act. You guys were doing the classic dance where people do at the balls in the movies. You both looked really in love. I'm gonna be honest, the girl was actually in love with you, but you didn't know that. If only you knew the jealous look of the leader of the art club. The leader of the art club tched and thought 'he only likes me, He doesn't love her. It's just an act' he thought while walking away. 

I cry everytime 

I try-y to decide

It was sad boi hours. You were crying because you wished you were straight. If you're straight maybe you'd have a girlfriend right now. You'd be very happy and not confused.

Maybe if you stay away from Akui you'll be very happy.

I guess you're right, I'm bi just without the "Sexual" [aah]

I'm too scared to date so I've just been bi myself [aah]

You were working in your part time job which was being a waiter. While you were giving orders to customers you saw a happy couple being lovey dovey. You gave a disgusted look and gave them their order with a fake smile "Here's your orders" you said. The couple thanked you then continued to be lovey dovey. You were walking away from them 'I hope they break up' you thought.

 Like, I'm watchin' a Disney movie and I slowly start to sweat. [aah]

Is it Jasmine's dancing or Aladdin's open vest?

While you were working your part time job there was a short act in your job. You were looking at them to see what the act was about then you blushed when you saw the girl. Man was she pretty. Then you looked at the boy then blushed madly. He's too handsome!! After a week you and Akui were watching Aladdin then was confused who to look at. Jasmine or Aladdin? A white haired boy looked at you again sensing deja vu . 

Oh, it sucks sometimes to be right in the in between

I'm to gay for girls, to Straight to be a drag queen.

You couldn't choose which you like better. Men or Women. You were too gay for girls. You were hanging out with a girl and then you saw a handsome man. You instantly left the girl for the man. The girl was really mad. You were too straight to be a drag queen. You got out of the fitting room and it showed you wearing a maid dress. "Happy?" you said with no emotion. The guys squealed.

I'm just playin', I'm just sayin', I'd like to be clear

I don't know what the hell is goin' on here

And love can be hard for someone who doesn't know what they wa-ant

I'm missin' a part

For all of my life got a hole in my heart

And love can be a winning game [aah, aah]

To those who are Straight

You were having a hard time, picking between girls or boys. It was like there was a hole between your heart. You were envious of straight people. Lucky for them they don't have to worry about anything. Looking back at the mangas you read you thought the main characters were stupid of worrying to pick who they want. While you are here with homophobic people around you. You were walking alone then you saw a straight couple happy. Why can't you be like them?

But I'm perfectly complete-ete-ete-ete... [aah]

You saw a lot of happy couples together being happy and healthy then you saw Akui. Akui turned around and handed you hand. It's like before in kindergarten but the roles were different. Akui was you, And you were Akui. You smiled and took his hand and shared the drink Akui brought. You don't need anyone when you have Akui.  

Mr. Perfect man  (Yandere male x male reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now