Chapter 9

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Warning: this chapter contains murder.

It was a beautiful day. Or afternoon. The sky was orange and cloudy. It was nice. You were drinking your favourite drink and listening to a Mirabel playlist, You were feeling angsty. While you were taking your peaceful daily walk, You saw a playground. It looks abandoned. You walked towards it. Then it was windy, you felt the wind blowing your hair.

You were in the playground. 'Wow, it's really windy today huh?' While you thought that your music suddenly switched to 'Unhealthy Obsession'. You were confused why it would be in a MIrabel playlist. You opened your phone to see a yandere playlist. Well that's cool I guess.

You then decided to continue drinking your drink to notice it was empty. 'That fast? Sucks' You thought. You saw a trash can and a swing close to it. You liked swings so you walked towards it and threw the empty bottle to the trash. You moved the swing a bit to see if it was broken. It was okay.

You sat on the swing and listen to music while playing games on your phone."You just don't know it yet but you love me and I love you the same.. " You sang the song while bopping your head, it was pretty catchy. It was hard to believe it existed long ago. Poor M/N not knowing the origin of this place. Does it even have an origin?

You were bored so you got off the swing and decided to explore the playground. You saw a ladder. You moved it a bit to make sure it was okay to climb it. Then you climbed it, stood up to see a slide beside it and you looked around the slide. There were scratches and blood.

Why were there scratches and blood? You wondered why. Then your music suddenly changed to 'Resentment' by Michaela laws. 'Huh, why does the music fit. Must be a weird coincidence' You didn't want to climb down so you decided to go down the slide. You reached the bottom of the slide. You stood up and wiped your butt. You looked at your hand to see some dirt. How long has this playground existed?

After that you looked around the playground more. There was a lot of blood and it looked like a knife was scratching some parts of the playground. Did someone get murdered? Since you were here, you took a picture of this playground. 'I'll research more about this playground when I get home.' you thought.

As you were about to get out of the playground you heard a little girl cry. You looked around to see a little cry beside the trash can where you threw your empty bottle. You ran towards the little girl kneeled down beside her. "Hey little girl, Why are you here?" you asked the child. How long has she been there?

"Wh-Who are you?" the girl cried while stuttering. "I'm M/N L/N. Now who are you?" You asked her in a soft tone. "Maya Jane." she said while crying. "Are your parents here?" you asked maya. She shook her head. You lend her a hand. "Let me find your parents." you told maya while smiling brightly at her.

She took your hand and hugged her. You carried her. While you were doing that you heard a voice say "Will you ever experience freedom?" It scared you. It's like someone whispered it to you but you and maya were the only people there . the voice didn't even sound like maya's high pitched voice. It was a deep voice with a tone you couldn't describe. It was a mix of pity and pride. You looked around the playground to see if someone was there. You saw no one. Then you ran really fast.

After a few hours you finally found Maya's parents. "OMG! Thank you so much sir! How could I ever repay you!" she told you with tears of joy. "Oh, there's no need. But just make sure to not leave her beside an abandoned playground." you said, warning the mom. "Playground? What are you saying? There is no playground in this town." the dad told you while looking at you with a worried look. "Huh? What do you mean? That's where I found Maya!" You said questioning the dad. Then the 2 parents look at you worriedly. "Sorry dear but maya hates playgrounds, playgrounds don't exist here. They never did, " the mom said.

You felt your heart drop.

"O-Oh okay." you said stuttering. It seemed like you were out of breath. You waved them goodbye. And ran to your dorms. It was far but you didn't care. They must be lying right? RIGHT?

You opened the door. And turned on your computer. Akui was worried. You looked out of your mind and you looked like a stressed mom. "M/N are you okay?" he asked you. "N-Not now Akui! S-Sorry. It's just that I feel stressed and worried." You said while stuttering. You searched reverse image search in google, you opened the first link that you saw, then you turned on your phone. Akui watched this all happen. You opened your photos to find the picture you took about the playground.

You didn't see it. You then started scratching your head and searched 'playground in Rostico'. While Akui was looking at you he saw the thing you searched in google. " 'Playgrounds in Rostico?' M/N, You are aware that there are no playgrounds there right?" he asked you.

You looked at him with shock. The couple was right. "But-But I saw one!' you exclaimed. "Those don't exist in Rostico. Here let me get you a glass of water-" Akui's voice was cut off. Are you going crazy? NO! That's impossible!



YEAR 1888

In Rostico there was a playground where many kids went to have fun and parents were there to have fun with other parents. Like having a conversation, Gossip, Have a mental breakdown with their friends, etc.

There were 2 kids named Maya Jane and Hunter Marcus. They were very close. The playground was the first place they met. They met in the playground 2 years ago. They were 8 at that time and now they are 10. As usual they would meet at the playground 5 times a month. In those 2 years Hunter had a crush on Maya but was nervous on how to show his feelings since he never had these feelings Maya Jane was a lucky person indeed. Or was she?

2 years later. They're now 12 years old and they still meet at the playground. They were still close. But everytime Maya had a new friend at school or any place at that, they always left her or they disappeared. It was December 18 1890. They were the only kids there. The parents were nowhere to be found.

Hunter finally had courage to ask Maya out. While Maya was making a snowman, Hunter went to Maya and tapped her shoulder. "Hey Maya I have something to tell you. The thing is that... I LOVE YOU! There I said it!" Hunter said while blushing. He felt really embarrassed. "Oh Hunter.... I'm sorry but I can't accept your confession. I don't like you that way, I only see you as a friend" Maya told Hunter in a sad tone.

"huh..... " Hunter said. This can't be! Hunter always thought that Maya liked him. After all, girls like guys like him right? "If I can't have you." Hunter said in a dark tone as he pulled out the knife behind his back. "NO ONE CAN!" Hunter exclaimed. You might be wondering where are all the people here? It was very far away. So the chances of them hearing are 1%

Hunter pointed the knife to Maya and tried to kill her with it. Maya defended herself then ran to the slide. She climbed to the ladder and saw the slide. Hunter followed her. As Maya sat at the slide she saw Hunter with the knife. She gasped, Hunter threw the knife to her shoulder. And some blood was spilled. Maya slid down the slide while Hunter did the same thing trying to hit her because of that Maya lost some blood in the process and she tried to trick by doing stuff in the playground no matter what she did Hunter always hit her.

Minutes later Maya had a lot of injuries she laid down beside the swings. "What did I do wrong?" she said crying. Hunter didn't answer her, sat down at Maya's stomach and stabbed her. Maya Jane was now dead. Hunter realised what he did then he pointed the knife to his neck and BAM!!

That's incident proves that anyone can commit murder. A child or an adult

Because of that incident playgrounds were never built again; that place was called the XXXXXXXXX playground. It was called that because every ------------ ---- - - - - - - - - - -


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