We just sat there in silence before I broke it.

"Zade?" I called, looking at the blank screen

"Mhm" he answered, looking at me

"Can I put makeup on you?" I asked him knowing the answer

"No" he replied darkly, I giggled at his change of mood

"Please" I asked turning to him, he looked at me blankly not replying. We stared at each other for a while until someone walked in.

"Za-" Nick stopped in his tracks, I looked up at him then back at Zade who was now smirking.

"EXPLAIN" I yelled getting up but he ran and I ran behind him

"Nick I'm not playing" I said grabbing his shirt yanking him to the floor.

He tried getting up back but I lightly kicked him.

"Okay, remember that situation with Jake?" He asked. I nodded in response

"Remember when I told you that there's alot of things I haven't told you and Emily?" He asked once again and I nodded

"This is it, I work for Zade which is also my half brother" he explained, my eyes widen in shock

"Zade is your brother!?" I yelled

"Half" I heard Zade's deep voice correct from behind me, causing me to quickly turn around

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked Zade, but he shrugged as if he doesn't care, which I know he don't

"Ava I'm so sorry I didn't tell you, I didn't want you and Emily to look at me as if I'm a killer....which I am" Nick said, guilt was written all over his face, I didn't have it in me to be mad, I totally understood

''Did you tell Emily yet?'' I asked

''Yes I saved the dramatic one for last'' he replied rolling his eyes, I placed my hands on myy chest pretending that I was offended

''See'' he said pointing at my drama

I smiled at him before giving him a hug which he returned.

"I forgive you Nicky" I said knowing he'll get mad, he pushed me off before rolling his eyes. I laughed at him before walking away

"I'm gonna take a shower" I said walking up the stairs

"Good, because you smell like sex" Nick muttered, my jaw quickly dropped to the floor.

Zade sat on the couch scrolling through his phone ignoring the both of us

"Zade, did you hear what he just said" I complained walking back down the stairway.

"He didn't lie, bellissima" Zade said, my mouth opened even wider than it was before, causing Nick to laugh

"I knew it" he said, falling on the floor in fits of laughter

"Nick I-, that's a lie.....ZADE!!'' I yelled but he stood up smirking at me before walking to his office. I looked over at Nick who is still laughing huffing my way up the stairs.


I walked out of the room after showering and changing into some comfy clothes, since Zade and Nick left for 'business'. I decided to call Emily and update her on how life is going since I'm practically living in Zade's house.

''Hey Em'' I said, looking into the phone

''Hey Avy, how's life with your new bae?'' she questioned, smiling cheesily into the camera, I rolled my eyes at her

''He is not my bae and life is much better than it was at home, I haven't heard from my mother though'' I said a bit sad, I love my mother despite what she put me through, at the ending of the day she's the woman that gave birth to me and raised me, I still had shelter over my head it was just hard coping with everything.

''Ouuu, did you heard about Jake?'' she said, hugging her pillow

''Yeah someone killed him'' I replied even though I know who did it, she doesn't but I cant tell her because she'll freak out.

Nick told me that he only explained to her that he works for Zade and that they're half brothers nothing else. I understand why he did it, Emily is the type to freak out and her mouth kind of slips sometimes.

''Nick also works for Zade and they are half brothers, what if they did it?'' she sat there thinking

''I doubt that'' I responded, I heard her mother calling her.

''Avy, I have to go my mother wants us to go visit my grandparents'' she explained

''Ohh, okay bye, I love you'' I said, sending kisses to her

''Bye, I love you too'' she replied, doing the same

I sighed before laying on the couch drifting off to sleep.

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