We returned to office building and welcomed by the receptionist's usual smile and greetings .

I waved back and followed him behind , we reached the top elevator to his office and on his way , he noticed secretary Trisha and signalled her to come with us .

She jogged towards us and greeted Mr. Lockwood .

" Get Mr. Williams in my office , Now " and dismissed her , I was taken aback but recovered quickly and entered the office .

He loosened his tie and I made my way to my table , turned on my laptop to get on with my work of the day .

I felt him staring and I looked up thinking he would look away but he didn't , he kept staring at me with unknown emotions and I blinked .

" Is there a problem sir ?" I asked looking at him .

He sighed " No " and went back to his table .

Weird I thought .

Someone knocked and Mr . Lockwood responded " come in " with usual tone .

The door swung open revealing Patrick he stared at me and then at Mr. Lockwood .

" You needed me sir ? " He asked walking up to his table .

" Yes take a seat " Mr. Lockwood responded in low tone .

They were indulged in somewhat hush-hush between eachother , as if their discussion was highly classified , they refused to raise their voices , it was strange how they were very secretive about the whole conversation .

I tried to hear atleast two words through the talk but impossible .

Patrick occasionally stared at me and turned back .

Were they talking about me ?

Hell no !

Unable to take this silent torture any longer , I got up from my seat and their heads snapped at me in alertness .

" Excuse me " I went out of the damn office .

Personally I would have minded my own business even if they were normal about the whole thing and exchanged it freely , but it felt weird that Patrick kept exchanging looks between me and him quite few times and them being really suspicious was eating me up .

Maybe it's because I was new !

Gosh ! come ooon iris , don't deny that it was suspicious ...

But there is nothing I can do about it .

I sighed ... Back to work now ....


It was time to leave as I got up and packed my stuff , when I returned from restroom I couldn't find Patrick or Mr. Lockwood in office , I sat alone and finished my task early today .

Contemplating between whether to ask Mr. Lockwood that I am leaving
, I simply decided to leave and reached Andria's office to find her ready to leave as well .

We were driving to our apartment when we found ourselves stuck in traffic ,we waited for a while and drove a bit further when suddenly familiar car came into view , i was beyond shocked to come face to face with Mr . Lockwood and Patrick in same car driving right towards us .

Andria looked puzzled as well , Mr . Lockwood caught me as soon as he saw my car and stared at me with narrowing his eyes , patrick was looking at my side window as well .

At the top of that the killingly slow speed we passed from eachother , atleast maintaining 7 second eye contact . It was extremely awkward and tensing .

" Damn Iris ! I didn't expect THEM " she exclaimed .

" Me neither " I whispered , still in shock by the impact of such incident .

" What's Patrick doing in his car though ? " She asked herself .

" They were doing some hush-hush in office for a while and then they disappeared , it was weird " I said .

" Really ? " She quirked an eye brow and I nodded .

Soon someone horned behind us , I looked back to find Mr . Lockwood's car right behind us , my heart was racing like a maniac .

" Andy ! Stop the car ! " I alarmed her , she gasped in surprise and slowed down the car finally halting at a distance .

My phone was ringing , I picked it up

" Iris , get out of your car , Now " he demanded to which I shivered getting out while Andria staring at me in utter confusion .

I saw Patrick getting out of his car and I walked upto Mr. Lockwood's car .

Patrick stopped me maintaining distance as he went on ,
" Hey Iris , do you mind dropping off back to the office in your car ? " I looked at him and nodded in uncertainty .

" Well not you , Mr. Lockwood needs you , can you inform Andria about this ? " I nodded again .

I bent down towards Andria's window to find her watching me in sheer confusion .

" Andria , please drop Patrick to the office " I informed before letting go the car and started walking up to Mr . Lockwood's car in slow steps .

I heard my car driving off , and caught Mr. Lockwood staring at me .

He pushed open the door for me as I got in passenger side of seat and stared straight on the road waiting for answers about sudden plans made by him .

He didn't start the car , instead we sat in car doing nothing but staring ahead .

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