2 . beginning

47 4 0

Iris pov

I shut my laptop , squinting my eyes for few seconds and removed my lenses .

Leaning towards my window , I observed the city , a bit briefly for an instance .

Sports cars passing and disappearing within a blink , men and women walking , few faces held disparity , few were engrossed in their phones , few were just content with the company they had , beautiful couple walking together with warm smiles , some arguing relentless .
Skyscrapers standing tall blocking the sight of another end .

My phone buzzed from a distance , I brushed my hair strands away from my face and twisted my hair in a bun and grabbed a ribbon to keep it intact , finally walked upto the table and grabbed my phone .

The caller ID flashed " Andria " , it was Andy , my friend from highschool , we maintained our bond from all these years , being supportive for eachother , helpful and I can say , we know eachother better than anyone else can .
She works at a company for few years now .
I finally answered it .

" Hello ? Iry ? "  Her voice unsure of my existence called out from other end of the phone .

" Andria , what is up ? " I replied for her reassurance .

" Girl , are you busy ? " She inquired

" Not currently , why ? " I asked

" Remember what I told you two days ago ? .... Uh , yes ! Last Friday ! " She sounded enthusiastic

" What did you say ? " I asked puzzled ,

Very shocking that she expects me to remember what she said few days ago , I mean , two days ago , I fail to remember the thought I had a minute ago . I have grown forgetful .

" Well , I talked to you about 10 different things and you swore to remember each word left from my luscious lips !  AND we made plans for tonight too ! " She said in one breath

" To go where? " I tried to remember any trace of memory about her plans with me , for few seconds nothing popped in my head ,

" Oh my god iry , hit your head on sharpest edge of a tile or something now , you are asking me where ? When the conversation happened 48 hours ago ?...."

I waited three more seconds while she continued to talk about something random , still my brain failed to connect with the information thrown upon me .

" ..... And I think Patrick likes me , he stared at me THREE times while collecting those files ! I mean .... Can you imagine ? ...."

I should just agree , my conscience says

" ... And Sarah my neighbour , well she broke up with her boyfriend , turns out , he is gay ! ... "

Damn why the hell is she talking soo loudly , the neighbour girl might actually hear her .

" Oh yeah ! I remember " I sighed only to reject the plans within few words , but her peak of interest which I know is always high as cocaine hinted a bit of stubbornness .

" Soo you and me ! party ! Tonight ! " She said a but louder and excited already .

" You seem soo energetic today Andria " I said

" Hell yeah , the party is held by our CEO itself , he always throws a lavish party ! " She squealed .

" Then why am I invited there ? I don't work there Andria , ask your coworkers to accompany you " I was about to end the call .

" Well no idiot ! We can call few people who don't work too , it's totally fine , it's celebration duh ! And they will absolutely want few random people to come there and see plenty of ads and recommendation of Lockwood company ! "

" Oh " was all I said .

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